Book — “The Never-Ending Present: The Story of Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip”

Good music journalism is as hard to find as The Tragically Hip is to find on American radio.

Keith R. Higgons
Music Voices


Last live performance in Kingston, Ontario — photo courtesy of CBC

It’s hard to believe it’s been 2.5 years since the world lost Gord Downie. As I was sifting through and re-reading “The Never-Ending Present: The Story of Gord Downie and The Tragically Hip”— I was again reminded of how good the band, and this book, is.

Now, unless you’re a music nerd or live in the northern part of one of the American states that border Canada, you’ve probably never heard of The Tragically Hip. Besides comedians and kindness, The Tragically Hip is one of the best things to come from the great white north (although Letterkenny on Hulu is picking up steam here in the states):

If you like straight ahead, blues-based rock and roll with good lyrics, The Tragically Hip will be right up your alley.



Keith R. Higgons
Music Voices

Writer & Podcaster — Abandoned Albums & The Mix n' Match Podcast "The ones that love us least Are the ones we'll die to please."