Don McLean: American Pie describes how ‘Politics and Music Flow Parallel’

Driving your Chevy to the Levee describes “fiddling while Rome is burning,’’ Don McLean explains in a new interview…

Joseph Serwach
Music Voices


Don McLean has spent 50 years singing his eight minute and 33 second №1 song “American Pie’’ song with most dissecting the poetry of the details. Last week, he talked about the big picture.

Music and Politics Together, Forward Through History…

“I had an idea — I had an idea for a big song about America, and I didn’t want to write that ‘This land is your land’ or some song like that,’’ McLean told Tucker Carlson. “And I came up with this notion that politics and music flow parallel together forward through history. So the music you get is related somehow to the political environment that’s going on.’’

Numerous stories have been written explaining the meaning of the details of the song, that “the Day the Music Died’’ was February 3, 1959 when a plane crash…



Joseph Serwach
Music Voices

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.