Soft Music Has Kept Me from Beating Disney Kids

Piano music and headphones are the only things keeping me out of jail in a life spent in airports

Thomas Plummer
Music Voices
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2019


By Stella Levi on iStock (image licensed by author)

Disney may call itself the happiest place on earth, but if you are a professional business traveler the Orlando Airport is an inner circle of hell populated by mad Disney families, overly sugared lunatic children and stressed out business travelers dodging caravans of baby buggies running perpetually late to their gates.

The planes are even worse. Hundreds of screaming kids heading to Orlando mad with the anticipation of seeing giant mice and beautiful princesses.

Leaving Orlando, you are surrounded by tired, zombie-eyed children, badly sunburned, full of horrible theme park food, and crying uncontrollably at the thought of leaving their princesses behind.

If it wasn’t for quiet piano music on my oversized, noise cancelling headphones I would be the lead story on CNN, hauled away at the airport by a team of SWAT for pouring a glass of wine on the mouse-eared brat who just spilled a slushy on my computer bag…and if I hear a family, including ancient grandparents, walking through the airport singing the theme from a princess movie I may yet make the national news.



Thomas Plummer
Music Voices

A simple life dedicated to leaving the world a little better than I found it. Long career in the business of fitness, writer of books, speaker, personal coach.