Photo credit: Andrew Apanov

My Slush Music & Slush 2017 outtakes

Bas Grasmayer
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2017


*Adapted from my Facebook post*

Slush has been an unforgettable experience and at two years old, Slush Music is already one of the best music conferences in Europe.

Besides the insightful speeches, workshops, panels, startup pitches, meetings, and extraordinary amount of talent at both events, I want to highlight the unusual:

> Standing in the conference hallway and running into a new familiar face every couple of minutes on the first day. I couldn’t even say hi to everyone;

> The Music Tech Fest team putting on a performance where they made music with brainwaves;

> One of the bathrooms was covered with posters of pop stars and looked like a 90s teenager bedroom;

> Trading music business & startup war stories in a rooftop sauna;

> A 1am tour of a former hospital that’s now a coworking space;

> The party in the tunnels underneath that hospital, where VCs were serving the drinks;

> Someone pointing out that I’m standing next to a Dutch prince at said party;

> Speaking on a stage with lasers;

> How extremely friendly and helpful all the volunteers were;

> The conference reminding people to stay hydrated and get water at one of the many water points — it’s nice to see a conference care for their attendees like that (plus the water was free — and so was the coffee, by the way);

> A Fireside Chat stage with actual fire on stage;

> Walking out of the Slush venue on the last day and jumping into a bus with loud music & bright disco lights inside — on the side were the words “No time for questions, just get in”;

> Slush’s main conference venue (sized for 18k attendees) being reorganised in a matter of hours to deliver a 4-stage closing party with free drinks.

I could go on for a while about all the “woah” moments. Put this event on your list for next year.

Thanks to the Slush Music team for the invitation. Thanks to everyone who got me invited to all the cool stuff above. Thanks for all the kind words about my talk and recommendations of my newsletter. Thanks to all the people that came up to say they follow the newsletter (I love this, because I consider it a community and like to see, meet, and talk to the people I write for).

It was epic, humbling, inspiring, useful, and warm despite the cold.



Bas Grasmayer

Write about trends and innovation in tech and how they may impact the music business. Previously: Product Director, IDAGIO.