The Start

Aaditya Naik
MusicManaged Development Blogs
1 min readMar 18, 2019

This is where it all begins. The story behind the development of the MusicManaged website- an online platform to store and share mp3 files. In these stories, we will be talking about how we built a music management website in sufficient detail, emphasizing on the tools and platforms that assisted us. Each story will focus on one major aspect of the development process. Stick around to learn more.

The MusicManaged logo

For now, let us talk about the concept behind the logo. Our logo can simply be described as “three disjoint wavelets”, which we feel aptly summarizes us, the creators, and the product itself. “Three” and “disjoint” are the creators, there being three of us, each with their own quirks and ideas. Each wavelet signifies the influence of each creator, and these three waves come together to form a single wave. The wave signifies the purpose of the website- audio. The website is a hub to manage audio files, and we wish to show that in the logo itself.

