Musiconomi Community Update

A word from our team one week after the news that our crowdsale funds had become ‘frozen’ in our multi-sig wallet.

Musiconomi Team
2 min readNov 16, 2017


Having had the time to fully assess the situation, we are optimistic that we will regain access to the crowdsale funds in the near future.

We are working with Parity to understand the issue and ask that any token holders contact us at with their information.

While the multi-sig wallet situation has certainly been an inconvenience, it has provided us with an opportunity to pause and refocus on our core objectives and roadmap for the next phase of development.

Since the completion of the crowdsale, we have been organizing and structuring the global business of Musiconomi Inc to prepare for our next stages of growth. Now with that process behind us, we can move on to the more interesting and exciting aspects of the business: building, testing, and delivering our products.

The MCI token has been designed to work as the exchange of value within the music industry. It derives value from the talent, passion, and creativity of those that are contributing. It is not a quick cash token — it is a long hold token that will allow you to experience all that the music industry has to offer. This could be streaming music in your car, buying recording time, getting access to exclusive content, or renting an instrument. (Read this to see what Patrice Baumel has to say about decentralizing the music industry;

We have some of the most intelligent minds in the music and blockchain industries working with us on building the next music economy. We understand that it has been a somewhat nerve-racking time for our supporters, and so we wanted to take this opportunity to not only provide an update, but also to thank you for your support and to assure you that we are fully present and on the job… full steam ahead. Rock on, music lovers. Rock on.

The Musiconomi Team

