Submission Guidelines

Oshan Jarow
The Consciousness Column
1 min readNov 15, 2018

Thanks for considering us for your work!

The Consciousness Column is a platform for essays exploring consciousness & culture.

This Column grew out of where I write longer-form essays. Here on Medium, I’d like to create an ecosystem of diverse, thoughtful writers exploring and encouraging new forms, or contemporary re-articulations, of philosophy.

The central question is something like: how might we live?

By way of example, poet Anne Waldman writes “we’re here to disappear, therefore let’s be as vivid and generous as we can.” The Consciousness Column is a place for writers to chronicle their own unfolding along this line of inquiry. What do we make of impermanence, suffering, ecstasy, and the facts of laundry and doing dishes? Or car trouble? How do we live our individual lives in response? What kind of cultural responses can we imagine?

For the time being, if you’d like to publish on The Consciousness Column, get in touch here with your idea or a draft, and we’ll work from there.




Oshan Jarow
The Consciousness Column

Interested in many things, like consciousness, meditation & economics. Sure of nothing, like how to exist well, or play the sax (yet). More: