The Way You Speak to Yourself Matters

If you throw something up, it will fall back down.

Mathilde Langevin
Musings by M
2 min readApr 30, 2020


Jeremy Bishop via Unsplash.

Certain rules you learn to be true.

If you throw something up, it will fall back down.

Break a vase, and you will never be able to put it back to how it was before.

And the words you repeat to yourself on a daily basis, you will also learn to be true.

The way you speak to yourself is your narrative.

The way you speak to yourself matters.

However, these thoughts are not rules nor facts; they are simply learned scripts.

They are poems your soul has learned by heart.

They are the bell that got Pavlov’s dogs salivating, where there was no actual guarantee of food — just a learned correlation.

When you choose to mentally “speak” — healing thoughts, you expose yourself to greater internal positivity and will, in turn, attract it too.

You will disintegrate the negative and faulty correlations you have subliminally built and confined yourself to.

Begin to interrupt yourself and rephrase your words.

Rewrite the facts you’ve taught yourself to accept.

Change the self-narrative and speak kindly inside.

Remember the way you consistently think, talk, and treat yourself is a reflection of how you will treat others;

And what is rotten from the inside cannot grow roots.

Perhaps then, when you catch yourself rephrasing a thought

And congratulate yourself for your growth;

Someday in the future,

Without even noticing it,

You will have softened and grown

To a version of yourself you never could have imagined.



Mathilde Langevin
Musings by M

Calm-conscious minimalist seeking balance through a simple & mindful life. I write about all things wellness for lifestyle brands + creatives.