10 Things I Bet You Didn’t Know About Me

so now you know

Artemis Shishir
Musings from a Fallen God
3 min readSep 21, 2018


It’s fun to learn about other people by reading these get-to-know-you-better stuff but not so fun when you have to think of ten interesting things about yourself, especially when you’re one boring individual like me. But nothing can be achieved if you don’t try, amirite?
So here it goes James Finn, Gloria Bates, Terijo!

  1. I took music lessons for 7 years, which always comes as a surprise to people who were fortunate (or should I say unfortunate?) enough to hear my barely audible voice. I am not much of a singer unless we are talking about the glamorous title of bathroom singer.
  2. I had respiratory problems in my childhood. I hated using the nebulizer so I was allowed to watch television before going to school.
  3. I grew up in a household where laughter wasn’t allowed. We weren’t allowed to watch television most of the time without it being on mute, so I used to make up stories and characters to entertain myself. Probably that’s why I’m good at making up absurd storylines.
  4. I learnt classical dancing as a kid. It didn’t last too long, and rather ended in a teary and headache-y note from my mother’s part. My face barely registers emotions most of the time. Goodbye dancing, I love being away from you.
  5. The smell of chlorine in water and the sterile medicine-like smell of hospitals makes my stomach churn. Yeah, I run away from these smells at a pace that might put a sleepy Usain Bolt to shame.
  6. I nearly got drowned once. I went back to the pool after that, but sometimes when I feel afraid, I recite limericks to laugh and frighten the fear away.
  7. I love interacting with people and learning about their interests. But I can’t handle social interaction for long before I go into a meltdown-ish state. I’m still learning to walk out of a conversation before I lash out and things get out of hand but I’m getting better at it.
  8. I love anything that is melodious. That is the only thing that can make me sit still, other than reading and drawing. Fun fact is, exposure to sound for a long time or just loud sound in general makes me sick. Which is not exactly fun, when your piglet of a sister has a loudspeaker in her voice box.
  9. Imitating the voice and mannerisms of people and neighborhood animals was Kid Artemis’ favourite activities. Looking back, I sometimes wonder if I can actually see the tiny tail peeking out of my shorts as I climb the grill.
  10. I grew up on Enid Blyton and Roald Dahl. Amelia Jane, The BFG and of course, Charlie And The Chocolate factory are still some of my favourite books.

BFoundAPen? I’d love to add 10 more facts about you in my know-your-friend list. Don’t want to write? It’s alright. In that case, give this kid a chocolate.

