My Spring Breeze

A Poem

Artemis Shishir
Musings from a Fallen God
1 min readJun 24, 2019


Where did you go, O Spring Breeze?
Leaving me here with my heart freezing?
You left me when I wasn’t looking
Never telling me where you were going;
Leaving loving smile on your wake —
Like flowers.
I woke up to see you gone,
Gone like a faint summer breeze.
Angel, I was a fool (forgive me)
For not finding you soon.
Come back!
I’ll hold you tight,
Never letting you go.

I am looking at the smiling moon
Are you there?
I’m seeing you in the moon’s smile
Weaving stories of decades with the Old Woman of the Moon
Are you there?
I close my eyes
from the world moving by,
Without a care in the world.
But my aching heart yearns for you,
Your voice —
I close my eyes
Hoping to see you
Only the silence of the happy crickets replies
Where did you go, O Spring Breeze?

