Workplace — Redefined

“Automattic” works from home

Musings of a dreamer


Automattic is an internet company founded by Matt Mulllenweg. The company is most famous for their product WordPress, the free blogging platform — just in case you didn’t know.

They have around 200 employees and, and almost all of those guys work from home. And what’s more, they travel all around the world together!

A few months ago, the Business Insider called Automattic a “great place to work”. That article is the source of unlimited imagination.

Automattic’s employees work online from over 28 countries. A few wish to work in their San Francisco headquarters and a few more in other office settings.

But there is the problem of not knowing your team mates. Well, that’s what the traveling is for. Teams travel to interesting places around the world to get the “team experience”. Once the trip is over, everyone heads back home, and back to work.

That’s sounds captivating.Travel all that you want and get the job done. Once it’s over, travel more. Feeling sleepy? Get a short nap, or even a long one. Come back online when you’re awake with caffeine by your side. Send in unlimited codes, even while you are watching your favourite television programme. (Just make sure the codes are clean) Sit back,work from home and relax.

Automattic has crushed the office-setting-works myth. From what I know, WordPress and their other products are working just fine, even if the developers aren’t sitting next to each other.

“Rather than being anti-office, we’re more location agnostic,” — Matt Mullenweg

These guys know their work, and they do it from the comfort of their favourite couch. The end result is a successful product, a product that bloggers and businesses around the world love.

