
Maryam Umar
Musings of a perfectionist mind!
2 min readAug 30, 2019

I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It’s a syndrome where your thyroid gland becomes under active. What are the symptoms? Fatigue. Muscle cramps. Dizzyness. Weight gain. Depression.

Not a pretty scenario right?

I was told that this is very common in women but mostly in a later age. I was also told by my external network that I am too young to have this.

As we know, a lot of the health issues we are seeing today are a result of stress induced factors. What is stress though? Does having a lot of drive in turn produces stress? Isn’t this some sort of cruel punishment. When you want to do something better or achieve something in your life, you push yourself really hard. When you achieve your goals, you are intrinsically happy but your health has failed?

I am currently in a brand new role. The diagnosis happened immediately before I started this role. Whereas I want to do well in my new job, my health is interfering with it.

I want to find a way to get some ‘me time’ during the day in order to be successful here. This me time comes by rarely as I need to meet a lot of teams and people in order to learn how they work and how people in my organisation can help deliver software quickly.

Putting up a happy face whilst doing this is hard. It’s very very hard. As I write this, my left arm is aching and so are my legs. And the day has only started. Last night I broke down, again, as it was too painful to sleep.

I am trying to find ways to be happy. To be content. Coz the happy hormone will help me recover. Feeling low will not. But what do I do when the syndrome actually acts against making me want to be happy?

Pain is very real. Make sure you look around yourself today and identify those in pain. And offer them support. People like me will forever be grateful to you!

