Great Hacks You Need to Become a Great Hack

Jon Jackson
Musings of a Techie
1 min readAug 24, 2016

Why hello there fellow Internet dweller. Are you as awesome as I am? I doubt it. That’s why I’ve compiled a list of hacks to make you awesome. By following these hacks you will immediately become awesome and write awesome prose. Prose is a fancy word for writing. Remember that. Fancy words are great.

So here we go. Are you ready?

  • Fake it
  • Always use link bait
  • Fake it again
  • Always write in lists
  • Duplicate items in your lists to pad out your content but reword them slightly (or don’t)
  • Fake it a bit more
  • Use lots of commas (commas make you awesome)
  • Always use a number in your article subject line because that guarantees clicks
  • Refer to yourself as an expert
  • Mention how much coffee you drink (that shows you mean business)
  • Make up statistics to support your point (real statistics are confusing and nobody cares about them anyway)

In conclusion, you are now a hack. Congratulations. Go forth and spread glad tidings of misinformation and ineptitude. And remember, never use irony. It is dangerous and can lead to serious brain confusion.



Jon Jackson
Musings of a Techie

Husband and father, writing about life and tech while trying not to come across too Kafkaesque. Enjoys word-fiddling and sentence-retrenchment