Why is health virtual reality taking off? Because it works.

Yesterday during my live future::present breakfast event, I showed the slide below.

Data Source: DigiHealth Informer

It illustrates how the volume of news headlines and social media mentions focusing on virtual reality and health nearly doubled in 2017.

And, it’s not just industry observers and media who are paying attention, investors are taking note as well. On Tuesday, news broke that Augmedics raised $8 million for its surgical virtual reality product and Greycroft and other funds are starting to invest heavily in the technology.

Why is VR so hot right now? Well there’s evidence that — when it comes to treating pain, stress, anxiety and other conditions — it works. In one pilot, Cedars-Sinai found that patients’ pain scores decreased by 24% after VR pain therapy.

You can learn more about the emerging health virtual reality market by downloading my future::present slide deck.

It features market research on both the VR and AI health sub-sectors conducted using the DigiHealth Informer platform. View and download this research presentation below.

