Your favorite song chorus is just one tap away

Unlocking new music experiences with song structure shortcuts

Musixmatch Blog
3 min readJan 18, 2021


Creatures of habit

Every day, we do and over again things the same way, and we don’t challenge ourselves with why things are the way they are.

So sometimes we overlook potential innovation that could improve our life, even if in small bits.

The experience around navigating music hasn’t changed in many years.

For instance, when you look at how we interact with digital media, you can easily say that it hasn’t changed much for so many years, not even when we went from pushing physical buttons to tapping on digital interfaces. Take digital music players: the “<< Rewind” and “Fast Forward>>” buttons are pretty much still the same, and so is the general paradigm around navigating music. But this doesn’t mean that this interaction has reached perfection.

Just look at the “seek bar”, which is that line drawn on the screen, that allows you to play a song at a specific time along its timeline. How many times have you wanted to let a friend hear the core part of a song, like a chorus? It’s not an easy task: you move your finger backward and forward along the timeline, looking at the timing numbers updating in rapid succession until eventually, you manage to listen to that awesome riff you were looking for. And we probably don’t mind that, we all are creatures of habits.


Tap to chorus

Over the last year, we have asked our Curators to tag the structure of our lyrics. This implies identifying stanzas by stanzas as intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, hook, bridge, and outro.

Our Curators have already structure-tagged hundreds of thousands of songs.

Traditionally the use of any information about song structure has been very limited. Where available, it provided an inconsistent and limited ability to scan a song. But from today, Musixmatch is using this information to enhance how you navigate and rediscover music.

The new Musixmatch player lets you skip right to the chorus or simply play the different parts of any song.

No more getting lost while seeking back and forth, no more need to memorize timing numbers.

We have been playing with this new feature over the last few months, and we love it. Not only does it help skip right to what you are looking for, but it’s also great to discover new music since you can quickly jump to the core parts of a song to immediately get its general vibe. Also if you are learning a song, it will help you keep playing songs part by part.

Join the community and enrich your favorite songs with structure tags

Now it’s your turn to help us build the biggest music data catalog in the world. Update your Musixmatch app, learn how to tag the structure of a song, and enjoy the new release.

Our brand-new play experience with the song shortcuts is already available in our mobile app for iOS ― Android is coming in the next few weeks.

Get the app and experience the easiest way to play the choruses of the songs you love.

