A Letter to Our Readers

Dear Amal
Muslim Mental Health Collective
2 min readMar 14, 2019

My Dear readers,

You are not alone.

We know that it’s hard to find support. We know that if you’re Muslim, mental health is an issue that isn’t always adequately addressed.

In this publication, you can read firsthand accounts from those suffering with mental illness. If you have a loved one afflicted with mental illness or you suspect that they are, you can read about people who are dealing with supporting mentally ill family members.

If you want advice, you can send an anonymous question on our contact form, found here.

We’re sure you’ve reached out to your friends, family, and community leadership, only to feel like they didn’t get you.

We know, because we’ve been there too.

There are so many things that circle through our minds. Whether they’re feelings of sadness and hopelessness, or whether they’re racing thoughts — this is a place where you can read about others who have shared your experiences.

It’s hard to be in a community where mental health is still taboo. We shy away from these topics, fearing that exposing ourselves will make us disliked, vulnerable, or even a pariah.

Welcome to our publication, where you aren’t an outlier or an outcast.

Read. Grow. Enlighten. Heal.

If you would like to submit to the Muslim Mental Health Collective, please send an email, with your Medium username, to muslimwritersroom@gmail.com

If you would like to submit an anonymous question to Dear Amal, please contact Dear Amal here.

Please note that due to the high volume of emails and questions and the sensitivity of our readers, we cannot answer every question nor can we accept every submission.

