School of Theology (Aqeedah)

Dr Umar Faruq Abdullah, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf , Shaykh Faraz Rabban, Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf . . .

Muslim Open Online College
Muslim Open Online College
12 min readAug 23, 2017


This school is broken up into the following classes

  1. Introduction to Theology (Aqeedah)
  2. The Creed of Imam Tahawi
  3. Introduction to Logic
  4. Advanced Theology
  5. Other classes on theology

1. Introduction to Aqeedah

Essentials of Islamic Belief: Dardir’s Kharida Explained — Shaykh Faraz Rabbani

This course aims to enhance one’s understanding of sound Islamic beliefs. This is done by presenting the underlying methodologies of mainstream Islamic beliefs and their bases, and by explaining the centrality of Allah’s transcendence in sound beliefs.

One of the most important aspects of this course is its illustration of Islam’s traditional way of bringing the realities of faith to life. The course will cover one of the foremost texts in Islamic beliefs, Imam Ahmad al-Dardir’s al-Kharida al-Bahiyya.

An Introduction to Islamic Belief (Aqeedah) — Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera

An introductory course on Islamic belief (aqidah) for beginners conveying the essential aspects of our creed based on authentic teachings firmly ingrained in the Qur’an and Sunnah.

In the face of the present-day onslaught of varied ideologies and beliefs, this course will endeavour to introduce, at a basic level, the fundamental beliefs every Muslim must adhere to. It will begin with an overview of True Faith, or Iman, followed by multiple lessons on Allah and His Attributes. Other fundamentals of faith, such as the belief in Prophets, Divine Books, Angels, Divine Decree and the Last Day will be explored in a refreshing, relevant and easy-to-understand manner.

Islamic Theology — Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah

15 Episodes

This course will cover three main areas of Islamic creed: the attributes of Allah, the nature of the Prophets, and transmitted revelatory knowledge from the unseen. Students will learn about what attributes that are necessary to, conceivable of, and inconsistent with divinity; what the Muslim understanding of Prophets and prophecy are; and what revelation says about the end days, the Last Day, the Afterlife, and more. This course will also provide students with a proper understanding of the scholarly understanding of decree (qadr), what renders one inside the fold of Islam, why tragedy and pain exist in the world, and other relevant theological questions.

The Aqeedah of Muslims — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Dr Umar Faruq Abdullah

This lecture is concerning the most important subject to man, which is the correct believe in Allah (God) and the understanding of the mainstream muslims creed of Ahlu Sunna Waljama throughout the history of muslims.Presented by Sh Hamza Yusuf and Dr Umar Faruq Abdullah. We really need to understand the true aqeedah of Ahulusunna Waljam’a and the imams of aqeedah who are Abdul Hassan Al-Ashari and Imam Abu Mansur Al-Maturidi also Imam Tahawi, All of these imams lived at the time of Salafu Saalih and after they were followed by the overwhelming majority of muslims and the scholars who were following the four schools or madhabs in every century till today.

Islamic Theology by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Part 1:

Muslim Theology: The Creed of Deliverance — Dr. Mohamed Ghilan

The Creed of Deliverance is a short poem composed by the great Moroccan scholar Imam Muhammad ibn Ja’far al-Kittānī. It contains the basic foundations of creed that were typically taught to young Muslim children as a premier text before they delved into more complex theological matters if that was the path they wanted to take. In this series Dr. Mohamed Ghilan offers a translation and commentary on the issues raised by the propositions asserted in each line of the poem. The recording was done as part of a short course to prepare young Muslims before they begin their post secondary education where they are sure to face serious intellectual challenges to their beliefs

Other introductory courses on Islamic Theology

2. The Creed of Imam Tahawi

The Creed of Imam Tahawi — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Aqida Tahawiyya (The Creed of Imam Tahawi) by Mufti Abdur Rahman Ibn Yusuf

The Aqeedah is the famous work of Imam Abu Ja’far Al-Tahawi, the great Mujtahid Imam and scholar, which represents the creed of the Ahl Sunnah wa ‘l-Jama’ah in relation to Allah Most High, His Divine Attributes, His Books, His Messengers, His Angels, the Day of Judgement, destiny and life after death.

This work though small in size is a basic text for all times. It lists comprehensively what all Muslims must know, believe and inwardly understand, and it has long been the most widely acclaimed, and indeed indispensable reference work on Muslim belief.

Prescribed Reading:

Translation: The Creed of Imam Al-Tahawi — by Hamza Yusuf

Commentary of Aqeedah Tahawiyyah by Shaykh (Qari) Tayyab

Commentary of Aqeedah Tahawiyyah by Shaykh Fahim Hoosen

Islamic Belief — Aqeedah Tahawiyyah — Shaykh Ninowy

3. Introduction to Logic

Introduction to Logic — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

14 Episodes

Based on the “Isagoge” of Imam Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī, this course will introduce students to the science of logic, a prerequisite before serious study of any of the other sciences. In this course students will be introduced to terms, concepts, the five predicables, definitions, propositions, opposition, conversion, syllogisms, and other basic aspects of correct thinking.

An Introduction to Islamic Logic: Abhari’s Isagoge Explained

This course introduces students to Islamic logic through one of the most popular introductory textbooks to Islamic logic, namely, Athir al-Din al-Abhari’s (d. 1265 CE) Isagoge.

Throughout the course, concepts of logic are applied to various questions of the religious sciences. The practical and contemporary nature of this course makes it suitable not only for first-time students of Islamic logic, but also for those who have studied Islamic logic in traditional seminaries without learning how to practically use it in their scholarship and how to relate it to contemporary questions.

This course prepares students for a follow-up course on kalam, or rational theology, in which students will apply the methods of Islamic logic to arguments for the existence and attributes of God and the genuineness and attributes of His Messengers

4 Advanced Aqeedah

Ghazali’s Foundations of Islamic Belief Shaykh Faraz Rabanni

term course — check the dates

“This course covers one of the greatest intermediate-level summaries of mainstream Islamic beliefs: Book Two of Imam Ghazali’s Ihya, on the Foundations of Islamic Belief (Qawa‘id al-Aqa’id), in full.

In Foundations of Islamic Belief, Imam Ghazali begins in Part One with a brief statement of Islamic beliefs. Many scholars considered this summary one of the greatest summaries of the key principles of Islamic belief ever written.”

Prescribed Reading: Al-Ghazali: the Book of Belief: Book 2. the Revival of Religious Studies (The Fons Vitae al-Ghazali Series) by Khalid Williams (Translator)

The Premises of Imam al-Sanusi — Ustadh Omar Qureshi

5 Episodes

How do we know things? What is knowledge? How is knowledge acquired? This course will lay out the epistemological foundations of our tradition that answer these questions and more. Based on the foundational text of Imam Muhammad ibn Yusuf al-Sanusi, these sessions will provide students with an understanding of the correspondence theory of truth, the various categories of propositions, the problems inherent in skepticism, and the various forms of disbelief

Prescribed Reading: A Refined Explanation of The Sanusi Creed : The Foundational Proofs by Shaykh Sa`id Foudah

Kalam Engagement with Pastmodern Challenges — Dr Umar Faruq Abd Allah

Bajuri’s Commentary on the Sanusiyya

A traditional word-by-word exposition of one of the most popular Azhari manuals in Islamic theology, Shaykh al-Azhar Ibrahim al-Bajuri’s (d. AH 1276 / 1860 CE) Hashiya on the Umm al-Barahin of Muhammad b. Yusuf al-Sanusi. The text is read in Arabic and then explained in English. This is an intermediate-level course in Islamic theology for serious students of knowledge who have a prior background in the science, reading fluency in the Arabic language, and some prior experience studying traditional mutun.

One of the names for the science of Islamic theology is usul al-din, which means, “foundations of the religion”. The reason for this name is that the foundations of religion (i.e, Islam) are belief in God, belief in His messengers, and belief in the afterlife. The goal of this science is to explain these beliefs in detail and to ground them in rational proofs. Allah Most High taught these rational proofs to His messengers, and the goal of the scholars of Islamic theology is to distill these proofs from the Qur’an and sunna, to formalize them into a logical structure, and to respond to objections that are likely to arise.

Prescribed Reading: Introduction to Islamic Creed: Volume 1 — by Imam Ibrahim al-Bajuri (Author), Rashad Jameer (Translator)

5. Other Aqeedah Courses

Meanings of the Shahadah — Imam Zaid Shakir

4 Episodes

Names of Allah — Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf

(4 Classes)

A unique on-line Course Covering the Names of Allah with their Meanings. The Prophet (May peace and blessing be upon Him) said: “Allah has ninety-nine names, one hundred less one. Anyone who learns them will enter Jannah. According to another narration: Anyone who memorizes them will enter Jannah.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim) This is a wonderful opportunity presented for the 1st time learning and understanding the Names of Allah, it’s meanings and it’s power. These names are so powerful that by memorizing them one can enter Jannah.

Prescribed Reading: Pearls of the Faith The Ninety-Nine Names of Allah — by Edwin Arnold (Author), Hamza Yusuf (Editor)

The Most Beautiful Names of Allah — Ustadh Yahya Rhodus

7 Classes

Knowing our Lord is an essential cornerstone of developing an intimate relationship with him — arguably the most important task in a believer’s life. Allah has revealed Himself to us most notably through His Most Beautiful Names (al-‘Asma’ al-Husna). A famous tradition from the Prophet Muhammad s states that whoever memorizes, or alternatively guards, the ninety-nine names of God, will enter paradise. His names are attributes by which servants are able to draw nearer to Him. This course will focus on the meanings of the names, their manifestations, and the lessons to be drawn from them to be implemented by all believers.

Prescribed Reading: Pearls of the Faith The Ninety-Nine Names of Allah — by Edwin Arnold (Author), Hamza Yusuf (Editor)

The Signs of the Last Day — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

6 hours of lectures

Signs of the Last Day — Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf

The signs which were revealed more than fourteen centuries ago have already begun to appear. With all the news of devastating natural disasters, endless warfare, perpetual suffering and indiscriminate violence, it is important for us to study the Prophetic guidance in this matter. These classes will comprehensively discuss the signs of the Last Day through a number of sources

The Lives of the Human Being — Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Prescribed Reading: The Lives of Man: A Guide to the Human States: Before Life, In the World, and After Death by Imam ‘Abdallah Ibn Alawi al-Haddad (Author), Abdal-Hakim Murad (Editor)

The Explicit Journey of Man from Pre-World to Afterlife — Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf

This series will cover the soul and its journey. From its creation to its phases through this life and the then its life after death including life in the grave, doomsday, hell and paradise. Based on the Lives of Man by Shaykh Abdullah al-’Alawi al-Haddad The Five Lives of Man —

  • The First Life: Life before this world in the realm of spirits.
  • The Second Life: The Dunya, this world divided into the embryonic stage, childhood, youth, maturity, seniority, decrepitude, sickness and finally death.
  • The Third Life: The Intermediate Realm (barzakh), including the torment of the grave, how the living may help the dead, and visiting graves.
  • The Fourth Life: Judgement Day, the Balance, the Bridge, the Pool (hawd), and the intercession.
  • The fifth Life: The Fire and the Garden (Paradise and Hellfire) and the beatific vision God’s overwhelming mercy. Also included a Question and Answer session.

Prescribed Reading: The Lives of Man: A Guide to the Human States: Before Life, In the World, and After Death by Imam ‘Abdallah Ibn Alawi al-Haddad (Author), Abdal-Hakim Murad (Editor)

Bible Through a Muslim Lens with Ustadh Ali Ataie

An introduction to the four gospels found in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John), with new insights and a more nuanced understanding of who Jesus (peace be upon him) was for the objective of calling others to Islam.

Advanced Further Reading into Theology

Only for advanced students grounded in all sciences of Islamic Studies

Acadmic Papers:

Mercy: The Stamp of Creation,” Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah

One God, Many Names,” Dr. Umar Faruq Abd-Allah

Who are the Disbelievers,” Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Chess and the Divine Decree,” Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

Creed of Ibn Ashir,” Shaykh Abdullah Hamid Ali

Foundations of Faith from al-Ghazali,” Shaykh Abdullah Hamid Ali

“Metaphysical Dimensions of Muslim Environmental Consciousness,” Shaykh Jihad Brown

“The Case for Allah’s Existence in the Quran and Sunnah,” Justin Parrot

