Majnooni Confessions
Muslim Women Speak
Published in
4 min readDec 6, 2018


We thank Hafsa Khan for her art. You can find Hafsa on Instagram, here.

I didn’t have a plan B when I quit the job that was soul-sucking my life away. I just didn’t have a choice. I wanted change, but I wasn’t ready to change. It didn’t matter whether I was ready or not. I had to go with the flow of the Universe because she knows best and she had already chosen for me.

The same thing I warn people about, that the healing journey is not one to be taken lightly, is the same thing tripping me up right now. You never know where this journey will take you. You have to be open-minded, and open hearted, to any and all possibilities. If there’s one thing I want to teach it’s that.

Often when we don’t leave our comfort zones willingly, we are forcibly removed from them in a painful and surprising way. Regardless of who you are, and where you’re at, you have to take that L with grace and dignity.

Spiritual expansion is the goal: not worldy-expansion, or the acquisition of material wealth and comfort — although that’s a nice reward and desired outcome. Spiritual self development doesn’t always look pleasant and pretty; like something you would want to do. You have to go through the painstaking work of peeling back the veils of illusion in search of personal truth for yourself. It’s a solo journey. It doesn’t always make sense to others. But with unprecedented soul-journeying comes depths within oneself that no one else can describe, no one else can claim to understand, and no one else can advise…



Majnooni Confessions
Muslim Women Speak

Welcome to Majnooni Confessions! I am Amira, a paradigm shifter enabling new realities on Earth through the creation of art and media that appeals to me.