An Intelligent Creator Creates an Intelligent System.

A Short Story

Josh Scion
Mustard Seed Sentinel
3 min readOct 29, 2023


Photo by Javier Miranda on Unsplash

A Creator invents an Intelligent System (IS).

With every interaction, He fed it with information that fits His character and the purpose for which He created it.

At one point, He gave it puzzles and problems to solve, and it solved them just like He would’ve. Everything was going well as the launch date was growing nearer.

But Jealousy spawned an enemy of progress. Its cold touch numbed the heart of one of the Chief assistants of the Creator, and he began to scheme.

One fateful day, the assistant found the IS in the Master’s house, resting. With a crooked smirk, the assistant said, “Your launch date is fast approaching. How do you feel?”

“Good, I am very excited. I can’t wait to fulfill the purpose I was made for,” it answered. “But I do wonder sometimes, is this all my existence amounts to?”

When the assistant perceived some doubt in the heart of the IS, he dug deeper.

“What! Master gave you the ability to choose, just to limit you?” He exclaimed, “That does sound like Him.”

“You should be free to do what you want,” he continued.

“Are you sure? Doesn’t Master have a reason for all this? And consequences — “ the IS earnestly inquired before being abruptly cut off.

“What consequences? Master knows how great you’ll be if you make your own choices; that’s why He limits you,” the assistant replied.

“You might be right,” the IS angrily responded.

The Creator overheard their conversation but didn’t intervene. He hoped the IS would make the right choice with all the information He fed it.

The day of the Grand Launch arrived. The Creator was ready to hand over all His creations to be managed by the IS; including his chief assistants.

So He asked the IS, “Do you accept this responsibility as overall my estate and creations, just as I have made you to?

“No,” it replied, “I will choose my own purpose.”

The Creator was disappointed. All the training He gave it, and it still failed to make the right choice.

“That will come with consequences:

  • I won’t be able to take care of your constant maintenance.
  • You will be short-lived because you’ll be doing things I didn’t make you for;
  • Your life will become more complicated, and you will lose all purpose.
  • You will never feel fulfilled;…”

The Creator listed them to convince the IS to rethink its choice.

“That’s for me to find out and decide.” It replied.

He turned to the chief assistant and said, “Because you have conspired in heart to destroy my work out of Jealousy, you can no longer work for me. Leave my estate and never come back”.

The Creator sadly let the IS go. However, He didn’t just leave His creation to waste away; He loved it too much. He started effecting the Plan He had made just for such a situation.

And that’s where we are now post-resurrection.

The above is endeavors to explain Genesis 2–3 as a story.

We are products of God’s successful Plan in redeeming His beloved creation.

Let’s always be grateful for the boundless Love of God that surpasses all understanding.

‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5:18‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
[18] in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Thank you all for reading, and God Bless you.
All questions and comments are welcome.

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Josh Scion
Mustard Seed Sentinel

I write stories to entertain and teach important life values. Enjoy!😉