Beyond the Canon: Twenty-One Books Referenced in the Bible, But Not Included In It.

Ross Thompson
Mustard Seed Sentinel
3 min readMay 20, 2024



Ideogram AI by the Author

If you had asked me, not so long ago, how many other books does the Bible refer to that are not a part of the canon, I would have said one or two. I asked an AI search engine recently and found its Bible knowledge was better than mine. It came back to me in about three seconds with a list of twenty-one. It is somewhat of a paradoxical state of affairs. The books are not recognized as part of God's word, but they are used to support statements in the Bible text. I have listed them below.

The Book of the Wars of the Lord (Numbers 21:14) The Book of Jasher (or Jashar) (Joshua 10:13, 2 Samuel 1:18) Book of the Acts of Solomon (1 Kings 11:41) Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel (1 Kings 14:19, 1 Kings 15:31, 1 Kings 16:5, 1 Kings 16:14, 1 Kings 16:20, 1 Kings 22:39) Book of the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah (1 Kings 14:29, 1 Kings 15:7, 1 Kings 15:23, 1 Kings 22:45, 2 Kings 8:23, 2 Kings 12:19, 2 Kings 14:18, 2 Kings 15:6, 2 Kings 15:36, 2 Kings 16:19, 2 Kings 20:20, 2 Kings 21:17, 2 Kings 21:25, 2 Kings 23:28, 2 Kings 24:5) Book of the Kings of Israel and Judah (2 Chronicles 27:7, 2 Chronicles 35:27, 2 Chronicles 36:8 Book of the Chronicles of Samuel the Seer (1 Chronicles 29:29 Book of Nathan the Prophet (1 Chronicles 29:29, 2 Chronicles 9:29) Book of Gad the



Ross Thompson
Mustard Seed Sentinel

I am a New Zealand Citizen. living in Melbourne, Australia. I am a longtime Christian. I write kid’s fiction, and have non fiction published on various topics.