Do You Remember To Thank God For Your Gift Of Faith

The Jesuits gone done it again

Ida Adams
Mustard Seed Sentinel


Photo from personal files.

Do I reflect on and thank God for my gift of faith?

As so often, the daily 3-minute reflection by the Jesuits brought me up short. The reading was -

“Does, then, the one who supplies the Spirit to you and works mighty deeds among you do so from works of the law or from faith in what you have heard? “Thus Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. Realize then that it is those who have faith who are children of Abraham.” (Galatians 3:5–7)

The Jesuits first pose the question –

Do my actions reflect my belief

I try, oh, how I try! Failing all the time, especially when it involves matters of patience.

The second question

Do I reflect on and thank God for my gift of faith

Well yes. That’s when I sat up, corrected that computer slump posture, and reached for my morning coffee.

I’m one of those peculiar souls who talk to God all day. My conversations yesterday all dwelt around the house. I had a mound of washing. Don’t know why. Only two adults and three dogs live in the house; still, washing and drying…



Ida Adams
Mustard Seed Sentinel

Hi there! I'm Ida. Christian, wife, and mom to three rescue dogs. I share lessons hidden in my messy, yet amazing journey. A dollop of humor now and then.