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Eternal Life: What is it? How to Have it.
I once read of somebody’s attempt to describe eternity: Imagine a steel ball the size of the Earth. A fly lands on the steel ball once every million years. When the ball has been worn away by the friction of the fly landing on it, eternity has just begun. That is really a description of a very long time. You cannot really explain eternity using time. Everything inside of time has a beginning and an end.
Eternity is outside time. It has no past and no future. Eternity is everlasting now. It is the present lasting forever. Let us turn to the definition of eternal life given by Jesus Christ: “This is Life Eternal,” said Christ, “that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.” Life Eternal is to know God. Here is eternal existence and eternal knowledge.
Henry Drummond said, “From time to time the taunt is thrown at Religion, not unseldom from lips which Science ought to have taught more caution, that the future life of Christianity is simply a prolonged existence, an eternal monotony, a blind and indefinite continuance of being. The Bible never could commit itself to any such empty platitude; nor could Christianity ever offer to the world a hope so colorless. Not that Eternal Life has nothing to do with everlastingness. Its definition is more than longevity. it is much more than numbers of years. But this, to know God…