Fear: The Devil’s Slow Poison

Esther A.
Mustard Seed Sentinel
4 min readAug 22, 2024
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7”

At times, taking that step of faith, obeying the voice of God and his leading to do something can be tricky, especially if the outcome seems impossible, but as believers, we received our new life by faith, and so everything we do must be faith-centered.

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6”

Fear is the opposite of faith. Since the easiest way to please God is by having faith in him (believing and trusting his word, obeying his voice and instructions), the easiest way to displease God is by being fearful and constantly doubting his voice or instructions.

Of course, our adversary knows this and what does he do with this golden information? He begins to sow seeds of doubt, disbelief, and fear in our minds as Christians.

Especially in ways that will make us disobey God’s instructions or worry about unnecessary things that are not impossible for God to do.

For example, when Esther said, “If I perish, I perish,” before she went to see the King, even when she was not invited, she exhibited faith by obeying God’s instruction and leading. If she had been fearful, a generation would have been destroyed because of fear and doubt.

Why did God allow Esther to approach the king at that hour when he knew there was another time she could go?

Because being God, he had decided to break protocols for her sake by favoring her in the sight of the King.

Slow Poision

Photo by Amelia Vu on Unsplash

According to Northwestern Medicine, Fear is experienced in your mind, but it triggers a strong physical reaction in your body. When the amygdala senses fear, the cerebral cortex (area of the brain that harnesses reasoning and judgment) becomes impaired — so now it’s difficult to make good decisions or think clearly.

Fear is a parasitic spirit that needs your permission to survive. It is a stronghold that has prevented many from fulfilling their destinies, getting their miracles, and achieving great things in life.

Fear survives by persuading and forcing you to only see the negative and impossible sides of situations while completely erasing possible positive outcomes.

Once the devil can introduce fear into a believer’s life, he doesn’t stop there, he begins to erect other strongholds that will keep that believer in perpetual bondage. Strongholds like sorrow, discouragement, and low self-esteem.

The devil’s goal is to steal your joy. Once you’re constantly worrying about the future and meeting your needs or believing negative thoughts about yourself, you get depressed or feel insecure and unworthy.

Since fear starts from the mind, you can kill it by starving it of every negative thought. Start thinking positively, start doing things that the wrong mindset has prevented you from doing in the past, leave your comfort zone, and be bold and courageous.

Faith, The Way Out

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20–21”

Our new life as believers entails total surrender to Christ. The life we now live in the flesh, we live by faith. That means we now live by completely adhering to, relying on, and totally trusting in Jesus.

Going to wherever he tells us to go, speaking to whoever he tells us to, leaving situations he tells us to leave, and believing his word. Believing that his promises will come to pass in our lives.

As Christians, it is no longer us who lives but Christ that lives through us. We embody Christ, so we should walk in that consciousness.


It is easier to be bound by fear if you’ve not surrendered your life to Christ. To live a victorious life of faith, you must be led by the Holy Spirit. If you’re yet to surrender your life to Christ today, kindly say this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I believe that you died on the Cross of Calvary for my sins and that you love me dearly. Today I confess that you are my Lord and personal Savior. I surrender my life, body, soul, and spirit to you as I invite you to come and dwell in my heart. I confess and forsake every sin hindering me from experiencing your saving grace (mention the sin). Please accept me today, and make me free from the grip of death, hell, and sin. Thank you, Lord, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

Congratulations on joining the body of Christ! Kindly find and attend a bible-believing Church to help you grow in your Christian faith.



Esther A.
Mustard Seed Sentinel

Sharing the Good News one story at a time| Journalist| A Daughter of Zion| God is love