Gentle Words for You in the Valley

Book review: “Messages From the Heart of God”

Lisi Clark
Mustard Seed Sentinel


My latest read on my ancient Kindle, “Messages From the Heart of God” (Vol. I) by David Hollis / Photo: author

One of the delights of joining the Medium Partner Program has been discovering a community of voices from around the world.

Among others, I’ve consistently enjoyed Davidhollis; his pieces combine Christian devotional thoughts and New Zealand nature photography. When he wrote “I’m Only Ever a Few Weeks Away From Being Homeless,” I was prompted to check out his books.

At a time when spiritual encouragement is welcome, I’ve been grateful to read his book, Messages From the Heart of God: Words to Encourage, Inspire and Give Hope, Vol. I (self-pub., 2021). In this collection of Christian reflections, the first of a two-part series with more to come, Hollis combines a gentle, unassuming voice with a clear writing style that removes barriers and reaches the heart.

The 40 brief essays of varying lengths, with some poetry throughout (I especially enjoyed “What Does It Profit a Man (or Woman)”, are fruit of his Scripture meditation, reading and life experiences. Each stands alone, making the book ideal for private or community devotional reading.

