Holistic Skin Care

A poem about our human need to be cleansed by grace

Stacia Priscilla
Mustard Seed Sentinel


Photo by Matt Reiter on Unsplash

There is no topical treatment for self-regulation.
Putting on the new self is simply putting off all pretense of fine
powders and putting on a whole nude mind, looking like nobody
else and good hydration and deep breathing and kindness
and Christ.

So do the heart work and exfoliate daily — take up your
vitamins one verse at a time, revealing by the layer these
scars nobody sees and watch them melt the way magnesium salts
act, sloughing dead cells off living water, that skin of an old
serpent’s sin.

“Your old sinful self has died, and your new life is kept with Christ in God. Christ is your life, and when he comes again, you will share in his glory.”

Colossians 3:3–4 NCV

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Stacia Priscilla
Mustard Seed Sentinel

Jakarta-based poet and writer on personal growth, faith, and motherhood. Also a wife and mother of two. Join Medium: https://blankstace.medium.com/membership