Not Human, but God was the First One to Make Sacrifice

A study of sacrifice: part 1

Febrina Arin
Mustard Seed Sentinel
3 min readApr 30, 2024


Illustration by Author

When we hear the word “sacrifice,” our minds often think about the images of Jesus on the cross and the various offerings made by people in the Old Testament as a way to worship, communicate, and mend the relationship with God.

But did you know that the very first act of sacrifice came from God Himself, not humans? It is written in the book of Genesis.

The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. (Genesis 3:21, NIV)

After Adam and Eve took a bite of the forbidden fruit, something changed within them. Their eyes were opened, making them very shy even to look at each other. So, they quickly grabbed the fig leaves and covered their bodies.

But, the story doesn’t end with judgment. Instead, God enters the garden and seeks them out. There, He offered them something far better than a fig leaf to cover their body. He made an animal sacrifice, and from its skin, clothing is made to cover Adam and Eve’s shame.

Now, pay attention! There are two important points you should know:

1. Sin can only be redeemed through blood.

Sin creates a barrier between us and God. So, a sacrifice had to be made, and an animal had to die. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sins (Hebrews 9:22). God ‘covered’ their sins and their ‘nakedness.’

2. Salvation comes only from God.

The fig leaves Adam and Eve tried to use wouldn’t have lasted long. Here, we also learn that salvation doesn’t just come from human effort. No matter how good our deeds are, we’ll never be worthy before God. It’s only through the salvation provided by God, through the “Lamb of God” (John 1:29), that we can experience forgiveness and become worthy before Him.

The Lesson: Sacrifice is About Love, Not Just Loss

The story of Adam and Eve isn’t just about the first human fall for sin. It’s a powerful reminder of God’s incredible grace. Even after their big mistake, He still makes clothes for them, showing immense care and forgiveness. This act points us to a deeper truth: sacrifice is about love, not just loss.

In our daily lives, sacrifice can take many forms. It could be putting aside our phones to spend quality time with God, volunteering at a cause we care about, or even simply offering a listening ear to someone in need. These acts, no matter big or small, become expressions of love towards God and others.

So, from now on, let’s remember that sacrifice isn’t just about giving something up but about expressing love and care, just as God did for us from the beginning.

Sacrifice isn’t about giving up something precious, it’s about giving something meaningful.

Thanks For Being Here!

What are your thoughts? If you have a different perspective on the first sacrifice, I’d love to hear it. After all, learning about the truth is a journey best shared together!

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Febrina Arin
Mustard Seed Sentinel

Hi, I'm Arin! I love sharing about life, faith, and Christian insights, hoping to draw you more closer to God. My portfolio🔻