Overcoming Money Shame and Finding a Path to Financial Freedom
As an introvert, I am using social media to share my money story
Freedom shouts from the mountaintops, but shame keeps us in secrecy.
I’ve been in social media circles for quite some time now and have been both hot and cold about my use of social media platforms.
I know there are many pitfalls to social media and many good reasons why most of us introverts tend to shy away from it.
But, there is one good reason to engage on social media. I will lay out my reason here and if you choose to take this challenge, know that I am feeling vulnerable and exposed right along with you.
Social media is not my comfort zone. I grew up in the era when you wrote your secrets in a diary, locked it with a tiny key, and shoved it under your mattress for NOBODY to see!
The idea of sharing my thoughts, feelings, pain, and hurt, let alone my deepest fears and insecurities, on the internet for all to see, goes against my grain.