Shadowed Rose

Light restored

J.M. Troppello
Mustard Seed Sentinel
1 min readJun 20, 2020


I see the shadow of the rose,

the light shielded.

Dark petals, the color of dried blood

wrap around and around.

Forming a bud.

Under shadows the stem is black,

pointed thorns prick harder.

The shadow rests over the rose,

hovering, uncertain if

it should stay.

Bent slightly, I can’t tell if the rose

droops from the weight

of the shadow or from tiny dew

drops beading each

crimson petal.

Swish! Calls the voice in the wind,

blowing the cloud

from the sun, sending the shadow

on its way.

Sun and wind breathe, breathe

into the rose, crimson bud rises

upright, dew falls to the ground.

© Joanne Troppello

Joanne Troppello is an author, writer, and poet. She is the publisher of the online Christian lifestyle magazine, Mustard Seed Sentinel. Connect with Joanne on Twitter and join in cultivating positivity in your life and sharing it with others by subscribing to the Living the Sunflower Life community.

