The God of Our Salvation
A Fun Bible Study
When you realize that Jesus is:
- The Tree of Life (John 3:16, John 6:53–54, John 10:10),
- The Bread of Life (John 6:35, 58),
- The Breath of Life (Lam. 4:20, 1 Cor 15:45),
- The Word of Life (John 6:68, 1 John 1:1–2),
- The Light of Life (Gen. 1:3, John 1:4, John 8:12),
- The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords (Rev. 17:14),
- The Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6),
- The one who was, is, and is to come (Rev. 1:3, Rev. 4:8),
- The Word of God (John 1:1–14),
- The Spirit of God (John 14:17–18, 2 Cor. 3:17);
That through Him all things were made (John 1:3, Col 1:16);
He was in the beginning,
and He was with God,
You will know He is God
(Psalm 45:6–8, 110:1, Col 1:15, 2:9, Heb. 1:8, 1 John 5:20).
Jesus is how God came to man’s rescue at all times and eventually became a man for the purpose of man’s redemption from sin and death.
What does the name Jesus mean?
God is Salvation, Yahweh Saves, Jehovah Saves.
In the Scriptures (Genesis to Malachi), God is referred to, oftentimes, as “the God of our Salvation” by Israel in times of trouble (Exod. 15:2, 2 Sam 22:2, Psalm 38:22, 65:5, 79:9, Isa. 12:2, Jer. 3:23, Mic. 7:7, Hab. 3:18).
Biblical Israel had always seen God as their savior.
“By the flesh shall no man prevail” — 1 Sam. 2:9.
Jesus is how God reveals Himself to men. The one who comes to seek and save that which was Lost (Luke 19:10).
Jesus, The God of our Salvation.
Thank you all for reading
I hope you enjoyed reading this, at least, half as much as I enjoyed writing it.
As you know questions are always welcome.