The Intuitive Super-Hero Yearning: Satisfied In The Gospel Of Jesus
Today, I was sitting in a coffee place feeling a little sorry for myself. I have a couple of scenarios in my life at present. One is potentially a life-and-death case. The other has to do with financial security. In short I was feeling my mortality, the perishability of human life, the impermanence of human life. I can vouch for the fact that as you get older in the body, these things begin to intrude into consciousness. It forces you to review your Christian faith. At thirty years of age, I knew I was going to die in the body and transfer to heaven. But it was far into the future. When a person gets to eighty (I’m not there yet), it’s realistic to realize you may have only ten years maximum left.
Why am I talking about superheroes? Comic characters like the Hulk, the Phantom, Superman, Batman, and the plethora of other superhuman dynamos in comics and on Television persist in their popularity. I think it is because all of us have an innate sense we should be more than we are. Intuitively, we know we are supposed to be winning in life, not being defeated by it. It is a leftover from the original creation in the Garden of Eden, where Adam and Eve were to have dominion on the Earth and subdue it. Unconsciously, we comfort ourselves (men anyway — I’m not sure…