This is My Mustard Seed Moment

Day 36 of Exodus 90

Obinna V. Onyenedum
Mustard Seed Sentinel
4 min readFeb 10, 2021


What is God?

God is Faithful. Full of Faith. Devoid of Doubt. Inconceivable. The impossible manifested. God is omnipotent. Omnipresent. Omniscient. Omnibenevolent. God is the reason.

I had to start there because the image above was too perfect to pass on. Faithful. That is what God is. And the suffix -ful is used to change a noun into an adjective. Obvious, I know! But I use the suffix -ful so often that it lost its original meaning. Wonder-ful. Full of wonder. Sorrow-ful. Full of Sorrow. Faith-ful. Full of Faith. In other words, overflowing, brimming! And if God is overflowing with faith and it is His words that create life then I want to be just like Him! I want to be full of faith! I CAN be full of faith! And I can create in the same ways that He creates if only I would allow myself to be filled with faith. Why the talk of faith? Because the very first publication to feature my writing was the Mustard Seed Sentinel. I didn't know much about the editor, Joanne Troppello, but I was familiar with the passage of the Mustard Seed.

20 He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” — Matthew 17:20

Photo by Jessica Delp on Unsplash

Because you have so little faith

I am a recovering critique. In weeks, months, and years past I would shoot down the attempts of anyone, especially bloggers! I would say they are self-centered, untalented, unrefined, or disingenuous. This was always a reflection of my insecurity and inability to take the plunge to try something and fail. All attempts were made in isolation. They have been created and discarded in Moleskin notebooks, Google docs, and broken hard drives. I didn't believe that I had anything worth saying. I had no faith in what I was doing and absolutely no idea in what I believed in.

And thus, BECAUSE, I had no faith, I moved absolutely nothing. This is why I am so grateful to the Mustard Seed Sentinel publication, the first publication to publish any of my writings, ever! Submitting to this publication exemplifies the theme of the mustard seed.

The byline of the submittal page: It only takes a mustard seed to make a dream grow is the starting point of every account on this platform. Just enough faith to put finger to keyboard and publish your first post. After your first, a second, a third, a forth, and finally, a fifth, which is the minimum number of published posts required to be featured on Mustard Seed Sentinel.

Secondly, you quite literally need to have faith in the form of a consistent affirmation of the Christian worldview and Biblical values. As St. James said, show me your faith by your works, for faith, if not accompanied by actions, is dead! It wasn't enough to simply say I pursued Biblical values and write about other themes, I had to consistently come up with new ways in which the Bible was impacting my life. In the new ways, I let go of the old ways and in this strengthened my faith and wrote more and in writing more had enough to share and in wanting to share found the Mustard Seed Sentinel and in finding MSS also found a broader audience (the mountain Jesus said I could move if only with the faith the size of a mustard seed). Do you understand that cycle?! Nothing is impossible!

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

To the mountain 🏔 movers & seed growers

Closing out my Mustard Seed Moment, I want to thank the Mountain Movers and Seed Growers. They are the ones who nourish the Faith. They provide a trail for those that surely hear the call of God later in their life. They are the editors of Christian publications and the songwriters for Christian-centered musical groups.

Each morning Exodus men are encouraged to pray for their fraternity as they pursue this spiritual exercise. I’ve been moved to extend this prayer to those I call, Christian Innovators. They face the resistance of the modern culture for a kingdom fortification they cannot see. It is my prayer that they have the endurance to persevere and the protection of God Almighty and the consistent divine revelation of the Holy Spirit.

Amen †



Obinna V. Onyenedum
Mustard Seed Sentinel

stories i share to mold me into a better & bolder Christian. Amen †