Where Does Your Strength Come From?

Quietness is part of it!

Dawn Ulmer
Mustard Seed Sentinel
3 min readJun 19, 2024


Photo by the author

Please take a moment and think about your life — all of it thus far.

Most of us started school at age 5. Some even began day care and preschool before that. So many of us have been in a structured setting since then.

We were surrounded by constant activity and noise.

After our school days, we were again in a non-stop noisy world whether at a job or for further education. Here it is 20–65 years later and we are still in the middle the noise and busyness of the activities of home, work or even leisure.

When do we ever have some ‘down’ time? Even weekends and vacations can be more hectic than our work days.

When are we ever quiet?

When can we just stare off into the distance, thinking long thoughts without a sound except for the chirping of birds?

I’ve always felt badly for men. Once they begin their working life, it keeps on and on, out in the marketplace amidst the hustle and bustle…until they retire.

For women, it can be similar. Even if they are home full time as an homemaker, they are still busy, especially if they have children. Some have a few moments of quiet but mostly they hear the calls “Mama” or “Mom” from morning to night, sometimes all night. Those are dear sounds but, don’t we need quiet sometimes?

Isn’t it time, no matter how busy our lives are, if we would just be quiet?

God’s Word says: “In returning [to Me] and rest you shall be saved, In QUIETNESS and confident trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

The other morning as I reached for my computer to get some music going, I realized that I wanted quiet!

Here’s something I quickly wrote to express the moment:

Although there was ‘sound’, it was a different kind of ‘music’.

Throw open the windows!
I hear Spring outside.

The Spring Peepers are talking,
Calling for a mate.

Canada Geese are honking
Announcing danger.

Mr. Swan silently glides into The Cove,
Looking for trouble.

The rain began gently
Then it thundered down.

White marbles of hail
Gathered on the green of the grass.

I turned off the phone, the music, the TV
I had all of the ‘music’ I needed.

Throw open the windows!
Let’s listen!

If we want to be ‘strong’ in this life, remember God’s Word says:

“…In QUIETNESS and confident trust (in God) is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

The next time you reach for the remote or the mouse, think about adding QUIETNESS to your life.

Can you do it?

Dawn Ulmer, a retired Registered Nurse, has enjoyed writing since the age of 19 when she wrote ‘My Philosophy of Nursing’. After marrying and becoming a mother, she developed a newsletter for young mothers called ‘Moms and Sidekicks’. She has been a columnist for a women’s newspaper in Grand Rapids, Michigan on the subject of time management. From that column, her first book was written and published: “Balance of the Hurried Woman”. Through the years, she has been published in ‘Decision’ magazine, ‘Our Daily Bread’ devotional and other publications. Presently, she is enjoying writing on Medium, her favorite platform.

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Dawn Ulmer
Mustard Seed Sentinel

CEO of myself sometimes, retired BS R.N., author of '365 Practical Devotional for Anxious Women' . Enjoys photography and writing!