Mutant Monsters go Matic

Mutant Monsters
Published in
2 min readMay 11, 2020

Mutant Monsters project has agreed to migrate portions of its platform and operations into Matic Network.

The transition will take place soon after Matic goes to its mainnet.

Matic Network provides scalable and instant blockchain transactions in the EMV L2 side chain. It uses an adapted version of Plasma with PoS based side chains.

Lately, Matic has announced partnerships with dApp and blockchain companies almost on a daily basis, including such game-changers as Decentraland. Read more about Matic on their website.

As outlined in the inaugural article, Mutant Monsters NFT was designed as an interoperable NFT token that is minted in an L2 EMV sidechain (“0xBitchain”) and bridged one-directionally to Ethereum Mainnet for trading in marketplaces such as OpenSea and used in any ERC721 standard-compliant dApps.

The emergence of multiple EMV-compatible L2 sidechains has created an opportunity to re-evaluate initial decision on platform selection for Mutant Monsters.

This far, the Mutant project has been the primary user of 0xBitchain, an EMV compatible Quorum PoA chain. This chain has been a side project (no pun) within the 0xBitcoin community rather than a foundational element of the 0xBTC ecosystem — unlike Matic chain that is the very core of their business.

Technical View of the Migration

The migration is principally a backend upgrade that yields more sustainable and efficient management of the Mutant ecosystem.

There will be no change for Mutant tokens in the Ethereum mainnet.

Mutants’ underlying smart contract is already tested in Matic Alpha3 and Beta2 chains, and there are no technical obstacles for carrying out the migration as planned.

There will be no change for Mutant tokens in the Ethereum mainnet.

Business implications

Due to a large amount of dApp and gaming partners, Mutants will be in an excellent position to collaborate with the participants of the Matic network — including various blockchain game developers.

Also, NFT markets in the repidly evolving Matic ecosystem will be open for Mutants.

DUST Token

DUST Token (a.k.a. Distant Universe Stardust Token) is a Mutant-related reward and utility ERC20 token. It will eventually be interoperable and available on Mainnet and Matic chains.

Wait for further announcements and developments concerning DUST Token.

Current holders of Mutant or DUST tokens do not have to take any action.

The Timing of Mutant Migration

Matic chain is in Beta2, and the Matic mainnet will launch soon. Matic has not announced the official launch date, but it is assumed to take place approximately in Q2/2020.

For mote information, please observe Matic Network’s official communication.

Read more about Mutant Monsters:

