Syntactic dimension of capital is not enough

Capital should be observed and from paradigmatic perspective

Sergej Lugovic
Mutation of Capital
1 min readJun 13, 2014


In recent The Guardian article was pointed out that 85 richest people on earth are worth as 3.5 B of people….

As stated that problem is in observing linear flow is not enough. ….

The economy we seek is founded on the principles of ecological economics. It recognizes that the linear flow of money and stuff (what economists define as “the economy”) is only a fragment of the larger real economy, embedded in human society. (1)
maybe statistics are not the best way to explain the problem. But problem is evident. And could be calculated from different perspective. What is important is that by just adding 1 to 1, till we drop under the Schumpeter Creative Destruction, is not options at this stage.

Lets look on this numbers

According to IDC study a most of the information, 68% in 2012, is created and consumed by consumers. In 2012 report claim that 23% of the information in the digital universe (or 643 Exabyte’s) would be useful if it were tagged and analyzed, but in practice only 3% is tagged, and even less analyzed

The question is who should pay for value extraction of consumer 2 consumer data that such a value benefit societal interests ?

I am sure Fortune 500 would not … or maybe I am wrong (hope die last)




Sergej Lugovic
Mutation of Capital

if we cannot measure value of the companies, except by intersubjective agreement, could we measure company intelligence?