Who is crazy here?

UN, Spotify and Human Rights with a charming touch…

Sergej Lugovic
Mutation of Capital
2 min readMay 16, 2014


Important points — with interesting context

Point Number 1

The Radical Tactics of the Offline Library http://vimeo.com/95351775

Point Number 2

The Radical Tactics of the Offline Library http://vimeo.com/95351775

Interesting Context

In a year 3 Billions of Extra …. pure alchemy, or …?

google search 16.05.2014

Resulting with outputs like this



Empirical evidence of Mutation of Capital — but very very very wrong one. How to squeeze 3 billions in a year from the society to private pockets, using technology, relationships, emotions and knowledge. Opening me up critical discourse in Mutation of capital as a necessary but not sufficient.



Sergej Lugovic
Mutation of Capital

if we cannot measure value of the companies, except by intersubjective agreement, could we measure company intelligence?