In this world everything going fast. And the level of soft skill development also needed to improve to fast-track your career.
Skill #1: SHR (Seen/Heard/Remembered) Method
- Make direct eye contact
- Offer a specific compliment
- Ask good questions
- Be interested, not interesting
- Follow up
- Remember name(s)
- Recall something you discussed
Skill #2: 7–38–55 Rules (Body language)
People will like/dislike your communication based on:
7% Words
38% tonality and face
55% body language
Stand up straight, pull your shoulders back, make eye contact, smile, give a firm handshake
Skill #3: Master the four bullet update
Powerful people are busy
They might not remember what they asked you to do
Give an update with this outline:
Here’s what you asked me to do
Here’s what I did
Here are the risk/blocker (if any)
If given more time, I’d do this
Skill #4: Record and study your speaking
Record your calls. Then replay them, study them.
(like an athelte watching a game film)
You’ll cur the “ums” and “likes”
99.9% won’t do this. Be the outlier
Skill #5: Ask rapport-building questions
Your network is your net worth.
Build bonds with these Qs
- What neighbourhood are you in?
- Do you have any siblings/kids?
- How’d you meet yur partner? (if mentioned)
- Any fun upcoming trips?
Skill #6: Send “Friday highlights”
If you’re new to a team, do this to build trust. Every Friday, send your supervisors a short email
Two parts
Part #1: Highlights from the prior week
- Big tasks completed
- People networked with
- Extracurriculars activities
Part #2: Upcoming activities for next week
- Forward-looking big tasks and networking
Friday highlights will help you
- Build trust
- Hold your accountable
- Tactfully self-promote
- Have everything you need for self-reviews
Skill #7: Don’t complain
Nobody likes to hear complaints
So why do we do it ourselves?
Separately, when you talk bad about others, people wonder if you talk bad about them too.
Just don’t do it
Skill #8: Remember all the names
A person’s favorite sound is their name
I have a theory about thier 2nd favorite sound:
The names of their loved ones and pets.
Whenever you hear one mentioned, write it down.
Later ask *by name* about them.
You will stand out.