Tomas Gallucci
Mutliplayer Emacs
Published in
3 min readNov 10, 2015


I use a concierge service called Magic. Their unique selling proposition (term compliments of Cyber Writing: How to Promote Your Product or Service Online (Without Being Flamed)) is “if it’s legal in the United States, we’ll make it happen.”

Several weeks ago, I had Magic perform a service for me that I plan to write about at a later date. I can tell you now, however, that it involved tracking down some books.

I wasn’t satisfied with one of the books they had found for me (spine problems), so last week I asked them to find another copy to my specifications. They did so promptly and we arranged the shipment details. I then promptly forgot about the order as the whole point of a concierge service is to “set it and forget it.”

I had to run errands in town yesterday, so I was away from my Macs when I got a text message with the tracking number.

Tracking number obfuscated for privacy, title obfuscated to prevent the big reveal!

As I was about to drive to my next errand, I didn’t bother tapping the tracking number immediately to track the package. I assumed that that the package would be here some time later this week.

When I got home at 1930, the mail person was in the mail room of my complex. Curiously, she didn’t have her U.S. Mail magnets on the side of her van which would have clearly identified her as such.

When she finished in the mail room, I checked my mail box to see if I had received any mail. I had not. So then I went home and checked the tracking: the package had been delivered at 14:42!

Delivery Time

But there was no lime green card in my mail box telling me that the package had been delivered!

Now the score was, my package had been delivered, it was on the property, but I couldn’t get at it until the next morning! So near, and yet so far.

I woke up early (0730)this morning thanks to some severe stomach cramps. I thought about my book being in the office and going to retrieve it, but, of course, I couldn’t do that for at least another half hour.

I decided I wouldn’t be an asshole and be waiting at the office door, waiting for a hapless employee to unlock the office so I could fetch my package. No, I would be more restrained and refined. In fact, I waited until 0830 to go fetch my package.

When I arrived at the office, all of the golf carts that maintenance uses to dawdle around in were parked in front of the office. I thought this must be a good sign: everyone was in the office getting their assignments for the day–but I had a big surprise waiting for me when I got to the door: the door was locked and the clock placard in the window stated that someone would be back in the office at 0930. Yannow, just long enough a period of time to keep me from my property, but not enough time to really start anything.


