Redefining Sustainability: EcoLife Mobile App Design

Muzli - Design Inspiration
12 min readOct 12, 2023


In today’s fast-paced world, conscious consumerism is on the rise, and people are increasingly seeking eco-friendly alternatives for their everyday needs. This shift in mindset has given rise to companies like EcoLife, dedicated to offering sustainable household products. As a UI/UX designer, my mission was to create a mobile app that not only showcases EcoLife’s product range but also provides an engaging and seamless user experience for customers who share a passion for eco-conscious living.

In this case study, I will walk you through the comprehensive design process that led to the creation of the EcoLife mobile app. This project involved extensive user research, the development of user personas, the structuring of the app’s architecture, the design of its user interface, and the creation of an interactive prototype. My goal was to design an app that not only meets the functional needs of users but also resonates with their eco-friendly values and preferences.


Project Goal
To design a mobile app for a fictional company that sells eco-friendly products.

Target :
Eco-friendly people who shop online

Timeline: 3 Days

Problem Statement

The EcoLife mobile app aims to revolutionize the way users discover, purchase, and engage with eco-friendly products. However, several challenges and opportunities have been identified through user research and the design process that need to be addressed:

  1. Enhancing User Engagement: While there is a strong user preference for eco-friendly products, the app must continuously engage users and maintain their interest over time. This includes personalized recommendations and timely notifications to keep users informed about eco-friendly trends and promotions.
  2. Streamlining Product Discovery: Users desire a seamless and efficient way to discover eco-friendly products within the app. This involves improving search functionality and optimizing category navigation to help users find products aligned with their values and preferences.
  3. Improving Cart Management and Checkout: The shopping cart and checkout process must be user-friendly and transparent. This includes making it easier for users to review and modify cart items and ensuring a secure, seamless, and informative checkout experience.
  4. Effective Notifications: Notifications play a crucial role in keeping users engaged and informed. Ensuring that notifications are personalized, relevant, and non-intrusive is key to delivering a valuable user experience.
  5. Optimizing User Support and Communication: The chat feature must provide users with timely assistance and information. This includes improving the chatbot’s ability to answer user queries and ensuring live chat support is readily available for complex issues.
  6. Order Transparency: Users need a clear view of their order history and tracking information. Providing detailed order summaries, real-time tracking, and easy access to past orders are essential for building trust and ensuring a smooth purchasing experience.

But what could be the solution..?

  1. Enhancing User Engagement:
  • Implement a recommendation engine that uses machine learning algorithms to analyze user behavior and preferences. Provide personalized product recommendations based on past purchases and browsing history.
  • Use push notifications to inform users about eco-friendly trends, flash sales, and exclusive promotions tailored to their interests.
  • Develop a loyalty program with eco-conscious rewards and incentives to encourage repeat purchases and long-term engagement.

2. Streamlining Product Discovery:

  • Enhance the search functionality with auto-suggestions, filters, and predictive search to help users find eco-friendly products quickly and easily.
  • Implement an intuitive and user-friendly category navigation system that highlights featured categories, trending themes, and subcategories.
  • Offer advanced search options such as voice search and image recognition for a more diverse and user-friendly product discovery experience.

3. Improving Cart Management and Checkout:

  • Redesign the cart interface to be user-centric, allowing easy addition, modification, and removal of items. Include a visual summary of the cart’s contents and a prominent “Proceed to Checkout” button.
  • Integrate a one-click checkout option for returning customers who prefer a streamlined purchase process.
  • Provide real-time cost breakdowns during checkout, including subtotals, taxes, discounts, and shipping fees, ensuring transparency in pricing.

4. Effective Notifications:

  • Implement an intelligent notification system that uses user preferences and behaviors to send personalized and relevant notifications.
  • Allow users to customize notification preferences, choosing the types of updates they wish to receive and the frequency of notifications.
  • Use an opt-in approach for notifications to respect user preferences and prevent notification overload.

5. Optimizing User Support and Communication:

  • Enhance the chat feature by improving the chatbot’s capabilities to answer common queries accurately and efficiently.
  • Ensure live chat support is readily available during peak shopping times and for resolving complex issues, providing real-time assistance.
  • Create a comprehensive FAQ section within the app to address frequently asked questions, reducing the need for direct user support.

6. Order Transparency:

  • Provide real-time shipment tracking, estimated delivery times, and delivery notifications to keep users informed about the status of their orders.
  • Create a user-friendly order history section with detailed order summaries, invoices, and easy access to reorder previous eco-friendly product purchases.
  • Include sustainability impact metrics for each order, allowing users to see the environmental benefits of their choices.

Design Process

User Research

1. Introduction:

The purpose of this user research report is to document the findings and insights gained during the research phase of the EcoLife Mobile App design project. This research aimed to understand the target audience’s preferences, behaviors, and expectations regarding eco-friendly household products and mobile shopping.

2. Research Objectives:

To identify the demographics of potential EcoLife app users.
To uncover user preferences for eco-friendly products.
To understand the pain points users encounter while shopping for sustainable products.
To analyze the usability and features of competitor apps in the eco-friendly product market.

3. Methodology:

Our research methodology included a combination of online surveys, in-person interviews, and competitor app analysis.

Online Surveys: We conducted online surveys targeting potential app users to gather quantitative data on their preferences and shopping habits.
In-Person Interviews: We interviewed a sample of users to gain qualitative insights into their motivations and pain points related to eco-friendly product shopping.
Competitor Analysis: We analyzed popular eco-friendly product e-commerce apps to identify strengths and weaknesses.

4. User Demographics:

Based on the survey responses and interview data, we identified the following demographics of potential EcoLife app users:

Age: Primarily between 25 and 45 years old.
Gender: Predominantly female, but a significant male audience as well.
Occupation: Diverse, including professionals, homemakers, students, and environmentally conscious individuals.
Interests: Sustainability, eco-conscious living, reducing plastic waste, and healthy living.

5. Key Findings:

75% of respondents expressed a strong preference for eco-friendly products.
Convenience and product quality were the top reasons for choosing eco-friendly products.
Price and availability were cited as barriers to purchasing eco-friendly products.
Users value product reviews, recommendations, and detailed product information.
A majority of respondents use mobile apps for shopping.

6. User Goals and Pain Points:

Goals: Find eco-friendly products easily.
Access detailed product information and reviews.
Receive personalized recommendations based on preferences.
Track order status and delivery.

Pain Points: Difficulty in finding specific eco-friendly products.
Lack of transparent information about product sustainability.
Limited options for tracking orders and receiving updates.
Overwhelmed by the vast array of eco-friendly products available.

7. Competitor Analysis: We analyzed several competitor apps in the eco-friendly product market. Key takeaways included:

Competitor apps offer a wide range of products, but navigation can be complex.
Some apps provide sustainability certifications for products, which users find valuable.
Personalization features, such as product recommendations, vary in effectiveness.
Many apps lack a streamlined order tracking and customer support system.

8. Conclusion:

The user research conducted for the EcoLife Mobile App design project revealed a diverse target audience, primarily composed of individuals aged 25 to 45, with a strong preference for eco-friendly products due to their convenience and quality. Users identified price and availability as barriers to eco-friendly shopping and expressed a desire for transparent product information and sustainability certifications. Additionally, the research highlighted a growing trend of mobile shopping among users, emphasizing the importance of creating a user-friendly and personalized app that addresses these concerns while enabling efficient order tracking.

User Personas

After research, it was time to dig deep into the psychology of the users and create user personas and understand how their journey may look like while using this product.

Wireframing & Testing

I sketched every single page on paper to do testing in the early stage.
Since this is a new concept app, I needed to find out if my concept works and whether the user enjoys or finds it too complicated.

User Interface Design

1. Onboarding & Sign Up Screen

Onboarding Screen:

The onboarding screen serves as the user’s first interaction with the EcoLife app. Its primary purpose is to provide a welcoming and informative introduction to the app’s features and benefits.

  • The onboarding screens feature a cohesive color scheme and typography that align with the EcoLife brand, creating a visually appealing and memorable introduction.
  • Smooth transitions and animations between slides provide an engaging and fluid user experience.
  • The content is concise, highlighting the app’s value proposition without overwhelming the user with information.

Sign Up Screen:

The sign-up screen is a critical step in the user journey, allowing users to create an account and access the full functionality of the EcoLife app.

  • The sign-up screen maintains visual consistency with the onboarding screens, ensuring a seamless transition.
  • Input fields and buttons are designed with a user-friendly and accessible layout.

2. Home Screen

The home screen of the EcoLife app is the central hub where users begin their journey to explore and purchase eco-friendly products. It is designed to provide a visually appealing and intuitive marketplace experience.

  • The home screen provides a visually pleasing and user-friendly interface that aligns with the EcoLife brand, making it easy for users to navigate and explore eco-friendly products.
  • Users are presented with flash sales, popular products, and trending items, encouraging them to make informed and eco-conscious purchasing decisions.
  • Access to the menu, search, and cart options at the top of the screen ensures that users have quick and convenient access to essential app functions.
  • The home screen’s dynamic content, such as flash sales and trending products, keeps users engaged and encourages frequent app usage.
  • Personalized recommendations based on user preferences can also be integrated, further enhancing the user experience by suggesting relevant products.

3. Product Page & Product Detail Section

Product Page:

The Product Page is where users get detailed information about a specific eco-friendly product. It’s a critical part of the user’s decision-making process as this is where user conversion happens.

  • The Product Page provides users with in-depth information to make an informed purchase decision.
  • User reviews and ratings contribute to user trust and confidence in the product.
  • Clear calls to action allow users to easily add the product to their cart or make a purchase.

Product Detail:

The Product Detail section offers users a deep dive into a specific eco-friendly product’s features, benefits, and sustainability credentials.

  • The Product Detail section provides users with a thorough understanding of a product’s eco-friendliness and how it aligns with their values.
  • Usage instructions ensure users can make the most of their eco-friendly purchases and reduce waste.
  • Information on availability and shipping ensures a seamless shopping experience.
  • Product recommendations or cross-sell opportunities may be presented, suggesting other eco-friendly products that complement the one being viewed.

4. Checkout & Cart


The Cart section of the EcoLife app is a crucial feature that allows users to review, modify, and finalize their selected items before proceeding to checkout. It offers a streamlined and user-friendly experience for managing shopping cart contents.

  • The Cart section ensures transparency in pricing and order details, allowing users to review their selections and costs before finalizing their purchases.
  • Users have control over the items in their cart, making it easy to adjust quantities or remove items as needed.


The Checkout section of the EcoLife app is the final step in the user’s shopping journey. It’s designed to provide a secure and efficient process for users to complete their purchases.

  • The Checkout section offers a secure and efficient way for users to provide payment and shipping information, ensuring a smooth and trustworthy transaction.
  • Users can review their order summary, shipping options, and payment information before finalizing their purchase, reducing the likelihood of errors.

5.Listing, Search & Category

Product Listing:

The Product Listing section is a crucial part of the EcoLife app, as it’s where users explore a wide range of eco-friendly products. This section is designed to help users quickly find products of interest.

  • The Product Listing section offers a comprehensive overview of the eco-friendly products available in the app’s catalog.
  • Filters and sorting options empower users to find products that align with their preferences and needs.
  • Visually appealing product thumbnails and concise product titles aid users in making informed choices quickly.


The Search feature in the EcoLife app is designed to empower users to find specific eco-friendly products quickly and effortlessly. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing the user experience by providing a direct pathway to desired items.

  • The Search feature offers a quick and convenient way for users to locate specific eco-friendly products, saving them time and effort.
  • Real-time search suggestions and filters aid users in finding relevant products even if they have a vague idea of what they’re looking for.
  • Sorting options allow users to arrange search results based on their priorities, ensuring a personalized search experience.


The Category section within the EcoLife app serves as an organized directory of eco-friendly product types and themes. It simplifies the browsing process, helping users discover products based on their interests and needs.

  • The Category section simplifies the product discovery process by offering a structured and intuitive way to browse eco-friendly products.
  • Visual icons or thumbnails help users identify categories of interest quickly.
  • Featured categories may highlight seasonal or trending eco-friendly themes, encouraging users to explore new products.

6. Profile

7. Notifications, Chats & Orders


The Notifications feature in the EcoLife app is designed to keep users informed and engaged by providing updates, alerts, and personalized messages related to their eco-friendly product journey.

  • The Notifications feature keeps users engaged by providing relevant and timely information.
  • Order updates and delivery notifications enhance the user experience by reducing uncertainty and providing transparency.
  • Personalized notifications increase the likelihood of users discovering and purchasing eco-friendly products aligned with their interests.


The Chats feature in the EcoLife app facilitates real-time communication between users and customer support representatives. It offers a platform for users to seek assistance, resolve queries, and receive eco-friendly product recommendations.

  • The Chats feature provides a direct and convenient channel for users to seek assistance and resolve concerns related to eco-friendly product purchases.
  • Live chat and chatbot support ensure timely responses and assistance, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
  • Users can access their chat history for reference, making it easier to track resolutions or retrieve important information.


The Orders section of the EcoLife app offers users a comprehensive overview of their order history. It helps users track past and current orders, view order details, and manage their eco-friendly product purchases efficiently.

  • The Orders section empowers users to manage their eco-friendly product purchases efficiently by providing access to order history and details.
  • Real-time tracking ensures users are informed about the status of their orders and delivery times.
  • The ability to reorder previously purchased items simplifies the process of restocking eco-friendly products.


The prototyping phase is a pivotal step in the app development process for EcoLife. It allows the design and development teams to translate their ideas and concepts into tangible, interactive mockups that simulate the user experience.

Figma Link (prototype) —

Figma File —

Slide Link —

Video Presentation for the App

Video Link

Thank you everyone for being part of this journey ❤

If you liked my work and want to work with me, please feel free to book a free consultation at



I am a UI/UX Designer based in India, I'm passionate about improving the lives of others through design: