Stakeholder and Value flow map

Diving in Deeper

Week 6 | 04.08.2018–04.14.2018 | Concept development

Devika Khowala
Published in
4 min readApr 14, 2018


Post written for the Designing for Service class| Spring 2018 | Carnegie Mellon School of Design | Instructor: Molly Wright Steenson & Daphne Peters| Team: Steven Ji, Devika Khowala, Emma Zelenko, and John Walker Moosebrugger

This week was a whirlwind. We went around in circles, zoomed in, zoomed out but eventually made a significant headway.

The biggest point of contention for us was to understand how to position this service. Based on our exploratory research, we’d come to consensus on:

  1. Musicians are constantly on the look out for other musicians they can play music with.
  2. They aren’t happy with the existing services like Fleeber as it requires significant time and effort investment.
  3. Skills are not enough, it is important for musicians that they find people with personalities compatible with theirs.
  4. Developing a community is a great approach to help musicians find each other. This is our value proposition.
Re-hashing the service positioning

Up till now we’d been positioning our brand as a service that allowed musicians to find each other by making them come to a central meeting point through small and big music events and thereby building a musical community in the process. The biggest challenge here was: what happens once the user finds a music partner or a bandmate? What is the incentive for the musician to keep engaging with the service?

So, we went back and decided to reposition the service to focus primarily on building community through events and allowing people to discover each other through these events. In this case, the value proposition still stays the same “ To build a community of artists by enabling discovery of like-minded musicians through music events” but the service is positioned as a platform to find events and meet musicians through those events.

Once we finalized on our service proposition, we worked further on our value flow and finalized our sources of revenue.

Stakeholder and Value flow map ( WIP)

Along with it, we build some personas of our users and started building a service blueprint. Building the blueprint for specific scenarios was helpful as it allowed to consider specific requirements for each user group and make a more robust service.

User personas and Initial attempt at service bluepinting
Storyboards for different user type
Service blueprint- In development
LtoR: Kind of events, Brainstorming main features and channels for our service.


We’ve decided to further develop our blueprint as we proceed further with prototyping and testing the main features of our service. So far we’ve planned four main channels for delivering our service and in the coming week we’ll start building the basic framework and testing it with users.

Divide and conquer: Steven and I will be working on the digital platform and develop wireframes for the various features we’ve identified to test with users. Emma and Johnwalker will be developing the physical event experience.

Next steps:

In the next few days, we plan to build the basic wireframes for the digital features and test them. For the physical events, we plan to understand which events provide maximum value to the user by developing story boards and testing them. The following image is a summary of our plan of action for the coming week.

Planning wireframes for the digital channels
Places in Pittsburgh that already host a variety of events.

P.S. Check all songs with the phrase ‘diving deep’ in their lyrics here.

