Music is better together

Week 8 | 05.30.2018–06.03.2018 |

Steven Ji


This week we have made progress on all fronts:

Finalized on our revenue model

Through research, we decided that Offbeat would charge $20 / month subscription model with the first month free.

We decided on the model by calculating the actual expenses on how much we need to spend in order to run this business and conducting pricing research to probe the spectrum of prices that our customers are comfortable paying for.

We tried to keep our cost low by prioritizing our resources on touch points that are the most crucial to our events and cutting on ones that don’t. For example, facilitators, snacks and drinks, and basic equipments are the most important for our jam session. On the other hand, there’s no need to hire a separate host from a facilitator. Therefore, by combing the two roles into one, we significantly cut our spendings.

Insights from the pricing research

I am willing to pay more than $20 if the event takes place more than once a month. I might miss an event, so it would be nice to still go to another one in the month to get my subscription fee’s worth.

Food is a main attraction to me. To be honest, I see this event as a free meal I can get.

Feedback on Service Blueprint

Saying “Algorithm will get it done” is like saying “Our service will only exist in Hogwarts”

After talking to Molly, we elaborated that by algorithm we mean Offbeat’s backend system will match musicians based on the preferences they chose in when they created their profiles.

To be native or to be a web app?

Our app has to be native app in order to support our chat feature

This is an updated version of the service blueprint we created after Molly gave us feedback!

Progress on the interaction design

Progress on the filming

We asked five real musicians to star in our final project video. We had a great time hosting them, and learned for the first time how fun a jam session is. To be honest, we would love to host a jam session respectively in the future.

Progress on branding

Stay tuned for presentations next week!

