Narrowing the service

John Walker Moosbrugger
Published in
4 min readMar 30, 2018

This week was all about taking the feedback from our speed dating and using that to inform the direction we wanted to take the service.

Speed dating reflection

We met on Sunday to discuss the feedback we got in our speed dating session. We noticed in particular that a few of our ideas could potentially combined to create a more compelling service. After a bit of brainstorming we decided the best way to move forward would be to develop storyboards that went a little deeper into the service to explore specific touch points and value adds.

New Scenarios

This scenario explores how an app for sharing music could be combined with regular events to encourage collaboration within the music community.

Rather than focusing on events centered on learning this scenario explores the possibility of a service which would connects artists to businesses looking to hire local talent for one off performances.

The third scenario here extends the app concept into a tinder like matching service for musicians looking to meet other musicians.

The next scenario here documents how we could build a service around a podcast. The service would support and recruit both podcasters to help build a local community of artists to use the app matching service which would in turn help promote and support the podcast.

We also explored scenarios which could connect musicians with businesses looking for live music and handle much of the administrative work in that process. The service would focus on building a community of artists.

The final service we looked at consisted of two components an online app would could connect musicians and suggest events and connections based on proximity and a regular series of events. In this scenario the event centered around a music “battle” where teams would compete for the top slot in a night of music, food and drinks.

Choosing & Presenting

After discussing the above options we decided to focus in on the final scenario with some tweaks from the previous versions. This included pivoting the service a little to focus more on the community building than than simply holding events.

We stated to explore how some of the touchpoints for the app and events could work together and who our stakeholders would be. Once we had a good idea of the service we wanted to pitch we did our presentation preparation.

Presentation Feedback

We felt like our presentation went well and we received some very helpful feedback. Specifically that we shouldn’t try to limit the service to younger people artificially and might actually want to explore what a service targeting people who were 40+ would look like.

Next Steps

Our next steps are going to be validating the assumptions we have made in creating this proposal through interviews and further speed dating outside of class. We also identified several challenges in our presentation including tackling the challenge of building a user base, determining a revenue model, identifying and recruiting locations to host events and identifying the small touchpoints used in to facilitate the events.

See you next week!

