Reflect and Diagram

Steven Ji
Published in
3 min readApr 9, 2018


Reflecting on the feedback

We received the following feedback on our latest presentation. If I were to summarize the feedback to key bullet points, they would be:

  1. Expand the age range of the musicians Off-beat targets
  2. Off-beat might need to offer more varieties of events
  3. Create Service Blueprint and Value Flow Map diagram
  4. Specify the value propositions
Comments on our latest presentation

One of our ideas is that people pay for the music to be played in their backyard. Furthermore, we start to list all of the features of our service again to evaluate some of the ideas we briefly through about during the speed-dating stage but don’t have time to explore further. These include

We also speed-dated our concepts with other musicians we have access to. Here are some of the findings

Community building is a more universal need than looking for bandmates.

Seeking for bandmates might be limited to band-based musicians such as Rock, Jazz, etc. A broader need that all genres of musicians have is seeking a community in which they can draw inspirations from and fulfill their emotional needs.

Musicians are interested in learning from different genres

Furthermore, many musicians are very interested in meeting musicians from different genres to broaden their views on music.

Early updated on music events

While receiving spontaneous music event updates are enticing, musicians would like to have at least a day in advance to prepare for an upcoming music event so that they can properly dress for attending it.

Take a stab at Value Flow Map and revenue source

After deciding that our service should focus more on community building instead of only helping the musicians find their bandmates, we started discussing the possible revenue models that our service can draw from, and both social and monetary capitals our stakeholders can exchange with one another

Service proposition

We also took a stab at creating a new service proposition

Off-beat aims to fosters a physical community for all local musicians and leverage its online platform to connect musicians together. Unlike Drooble and Splice, which focus on building a digital community for global musicians.

