Overcoming the Innovator’s Dilemma with an External Partner

mv3 studio — Web3, Above and Beyond
3 min readAug 15, 2024

With the help of an external partner’s skills and talents, your business can effectively overcome the innovator’s dilemma.

In the rapidly evolving world of innovation, businesses frequently end up at a dead end and see issues and solutions only from a limited perspective. Bringing in an outside partner can help your organization see things from a new angle. These partners can provide fresh perspectives and methods since they are free from internal preconceptions and assumptions that could impair their judgment. External partners can uncover opportunities and threats you might have missed by bringing various perspectives and encouraging creative problem-solving and imaginative thinking.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

Access to an External Talent Pool with Experts from Different Backgrounds

Diversity fosters innovation, and an outside partner can provide your company access to a large talent pool. These professionals contribute skills and knowledge from diverse backgrounds and fields, which can be invaluable in creating ground-breaking solutions. By utilizing this outside talent, your business may have access to expert knowledge and modern approaches to project management that will push your projects forward and guarantee that your solutions are solid, creative, and efficient.

Delegating the CTO Role to a Partner with Deep Industry Knowledge

Hiring a full-time Chief Technology Officer (CTO) with in-depth industry knowledge can be difficult and expensive for many organizations, especially startups and smaller companies. You can delegate the CTO position more successfully if you collaborate with a well-versed organization in the sector. As a result, your company can benefit from its extensive technical and strategic knowledge and ensure that innovation initiatives follow industry trends and best practices.

Predictable Costs for Testing Ideas and Developing MVPs

The capacity to control and anticipate innovation-related expenses is one of the major benefits of collaborating with an outside party. If done in-house, creating Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) and testing new concepts can be unpredictable and resource-intensive. You may accurately predict expenses by taking advantage of the structured pricing structures that external partners often offer. You may deploy resources more wisely thanks to this financial predictability, which guarantees that your innovation efforts stay under budget and still produce the intended results.

Testing Ideas with a Small Engineering Team

You can broaden your technical operations and gain strategic control by engaging an outside partner to handle the software development. You may partner with an agile team concentrated on core operations while utilizing the partner’s capabilities for innovative projects as an alternative to keeping a sizable, in-house technical staff. This method saves overhead and enables quick concept testing and iteration. The outside partner may supply the technical know-how and labor required to carry out these initiatives effectively, guaranteeing that your innovation cycle stays quick and productive.

Adding Additional Specialists on the Go

Innovation projects frequently require specialized knowledge and abilities that your current staff might not have. Access to a pool of experts who can join your team through external partners is important for overall project success. With this flexibility, you may bring specialized talents to your team as needed, making sure you have the right people on board when you need them. The option to bring in extra specialists, like data scientists, UX designers, or blockchain experts, guarantees that your innovation projects are well-supported and positioned for success.

With the help of an external partner’s skills and talents, your business can effectively overcome the innovator’s dilemma. This partnership ensures that your innovation activities are effective and significant by bringing in fresh viewpoints and skills, as well as offering operational flexibility and financial certainty.

If you need help with overcoming the innovators’ dilemma within your company, reach out and schedule a free consultation with our team!

