Establishing MW Partners Tech Column

Michael Ng
MW Partners
Published in
2 min readJul 31, 2018

Today, we are excited to announce our Developer-focused Educational Column — aimed to educate and bring about more awareness of blockchain-focused technical resources to the wider developer community.

Why we are doing this:
While there has been explosive growth in news and investments relating to cryptoassets, we have yet to see a corresponding growth spurt in the technical domain — be it on learning a new language, deployment of smart contracts, running nodes for a network and many more. We would love to close the gap via the provision of pro-bono guides on medium and hosting of technical meetups in Singapore.

What to expect in the following months:
You should see regular content updates on our Developer-focused Tech Columns, and we will also kickstart our technical meetups in Singapore starting in late August. Hope to see everyone there!

About MW Partners:
MW Partners is a private investment firm based in Singapore that focuses exclusively on early stage blockchain-enabled projects.

We came together in 2017, initially as part of a much larger group which actively discuss and invest in liquid cryptoassets through Initial Coin Offerings. The core group of partners came from diversified backgrounds such as consultancy, banking, trading, and software development.

To date, we have expanded our core team to 10 members, and we continue to remain excited about new developments in this disruptive industry. We are truly blessed to be able to witness and be part of this global phenomenon.

Cheers to all. Remember to stay vigilant!

P.S, special thanks to all our partners, projects and individuals who have supported us thus far. We promise more exciting updates for everyone in due course.

P.P.S, also, kindly follow us on Medium and Twitter if you love our updates. If you are a developer, who is keen to contribute towards building a developer community alongside MW Partners, kindly reach out to us at



Michael Ng
MW Partners

Co-Founder @MWPartners and @StakeWithUs. Find me on twitter @maigoh91 . I try to learn new things everyday.