Here’s the “What’s Next for Desktime” letter we just sent out

Short, TL;DR version: Just a few fixes right now, and a new name: Mx. Desk

Kevin Purdy
Mx. Desk
2 min readSep 16, 2016


Starting with the basics. / photo: Nick Quaranto

You are receiving this letter because you’re a Desktime customer, which gives us something in common. My name is Kevin Purdy, and I’m a co-founder of CoworkBuffalo. We’ve been using Desktime for years at our coworking space, and now we’re taking over the reins from our friends at Deskpass in Chicago.

What does this mean for you and your space? The only changes you’ll notice right away are a new name for the service: Mx. Desk (pronounced “Mix Desk” or “Mux Desk,” your choice). We’ve started to tune the performance of the site and enhance its reliability, so you’ll have an easier time checking off flex passes, setting up new members, and seeing who’s using your space. Fundamentally, it’s still the same service you’ve been relying upon.

Who are you, anyway? We opened CoworkBuffalo in 2012, after four people chipped in enough money for the first month’s rent and an IKEA run to Toronto. We started off running the space with a card-swiper and a spreadsheet. When we first saw Desktime, we felt like someone who understands showed up to help. Sam Rosen and his team grasped what shared office spaces felt like and what they needed, and they said “No” to all the features that bog down other web tools. The site and service never felt cluttered or confused. We didn’t always feel like we knew what we were doing while running CoworkBuffalo, but Desktime capably handled one of the most important departments. That’s why, when the opportunity arose, we decided we would shift our own business to keep this one going.

What do you have in store? We’ve been improving the site already, and we’re working through a list of small fixes every day. Our general plans are to improve the speed of commonly-used actions on the service, iron out some hang-ups and quirks that bug us, and work toward a few new features we want to see. Want to help us plan those out? We’re happy to hear from you―things you wish Mx. Desk could do, things you wish Mx. Desk wouldn’t do, and anything else we should know about how you use this service. Email us at, and we’ll hear you.

Thank you for running a coworking space, and for making Desktime a part of your space. We’re eager to make it even easier for you.

~ Nick, Mike, Kevin C. and Kevin P.



Kevin Purdy
Mx. Desk

Mx. Desk partner, CoworkBuffalo co-founder, Wirecutter/Sweethome writer, Buffalo person.