Insider Report: How to Improve Your M2 Pro Mining Earnings & What’s Next

Siwon Kim
8 min readMar 12, 2021


Until now, cryptocurrency mining has been nearly impossible for most people. It was too difficult and too expensive. However, M2 Pro is making cryptocurrency mining easy and affordable for anyone, anywhere, anytime! The age of easy cryptocurrency mining is here! With the recent rise of M2 Pro, everyone with a decent internet connection can mine cryptocurrency at the comfort of their own homes.

The M2 Pro has changed cryptocurrency mining for the masses. Using less than 5 watts of electricity and relying on a user-friendly smartphone application for easy, remote monitoring, it is the simplest way to mine, monitor, and earn. Setting up an M2 Pro is simple, with a complete installation time of less than 5 minutes, you’ll be set-up and mining before you can make a cup of tea! Cryptocurrency is for everyone, now with the MatchX simple set-up, high-profit cryptocurrency mining is possible for everyone.

As an insider — I work at MXC Foundation — I have been absolutely blessed (insert #blessed) to have been in contact with so many different people who either just began mining with M2 Pro or are interested in getting started. So for those of you who are early in your M2 Pro journey, here is an extensive insider report on how to improve your M2 Pro mining earnings, and some other relevant questions involved.

Spoiler alert: May reveal a few key pieces of information that have not been made public yet.

Before I get started, here is a shoutout to Brian on the MXC Discord Server who prompted me to write this piece.

You ask, and you shall receive.


It’s a bit complicated, but I will break it down for you.

M2 Pro’s mining model is based on Proof of Participation. You earn by showing that you are eligible and able to participate in the network. In the business of data and network service, that often translates to uptime — your device being online.

The mining protocol checks your online status by constantly issuing “data blocks”. Think of it as a present box. Your miner receives the data block and mines the block. Since the data block is designed to only measure your miner’s ability and eligibility to mine it, the difficulty level is extremely low. This way, your miner does not require much power to complete the mining.

Inside the data block (or the present box), there may or may not be a data packet. This data packet is IoT device data sent from an end device — sensors, in most cases. A block with a data packet inside is called a data packet block and a block without a data packet inside is called a null data block.

All blocks have a block reward attached to them in the form of MXC tokens or Bitcoin (or DHX, IPFS, DOT, and so on). Even null data blocks. In case your block contains a data packet, then you get an additional reward from that data packet block. Imagine that your present box has money in it. Some present boxes have money and an envelope in them, and inside that envelope is a bit more money.

So your M2 Pro gains profit by mining these data blocks. The rate of occurrence between a data packet block and a null data block is entirely dependent on how many sensors and data demand you have in your geographical area.


M2 Pro will continue to profit in perpetuity, as long as you take care of it. I believe a lot of people are asking this question because they heard that at some point, M2 Pro will no longer be profitable. Let me put your mind to ease — M2 Pro will continue to profit.

The source of the misunderstanding seems to be within the shift in the composition of the mining profit. So let’s talk about that for a minute.

Currently, M2 Pro is receiving its profits from a pool of MXC tokens managed by the MXC Foundation and a few other key supporting organisations. These tokens were bought back from the market, and continue to be bought back in order to facilitate the profit payment. Of course, this has been designed to incentivise the installation of a global data network during the early days. It cannot go on forever.

Therefore, the profit composition will begin to shift gradually from 100%-Foundation-backed to a majority-backed by usage fees from devices using the mining network (based on LPWAN) to send data packets.

This will take some time to develop, and some more time for the sensors to fully onboard MXC’s MXProtocol. We want to roll it out within this year and have it fully functioning by next year.

Either way, your M2 Pro will continue to profit. The source of the profit may change, but that does not mean your profit will decrease.


By now, you should have realised that the better coverage your miner has, the more data blocks your miner can receive and mine, and ultimately increase your profitability. The coverage of your miner is solely dependent on your placement. Here are some recommendations.

Urban Areas

From your eye level, draw a straight line. Look at how many buildings come into contact with that straight line. Do not forget about your own walls. If you can see that quite a few buildings would come into contact with that straight line, it’s recommended that you install your miner at least on your balcony.

It’s even better if you can install it on the roof of your building, but I understand that it may be difficult. Therefore, installing it on your balcony should be sufficient to earn a profit.

If your miner’s location is relatively low in comparison to nearby buildings (perhaps you live on the ground floor), then we recommend installing it on a pole to give some elevation to your miner to maximise your profit.

If your apartment does not have a balcony, make sure to place your M2 Pro as close as possible to your window.

Suburban Areas

Suburban areas are mainly residential areas with houses, with only a handful of buildings having more than 3 floors.

In this case, install your miner on the roof of your house for maximum profit. The roof of your shed can be another excellent placement. Perhaps you can install it on a pole and transition that pole into a makeshift bird feeder also. You can be creative with it.

Make sure that your miner isn’t facing a particularly dense forest area. If your neighbour is freaking about some weird machine emitting rays of the internet signal, please ensure them that LPWAN is the exact opposite of 5G. Low-power, and therefore not harmful to the human body or animals.

Rural Areas

If you are in a rural area, you do not have to worry too much about the coverage. What you will indeed have to focus on would be stability in power and internet connection.

Make sure that your power supply is always on, and double-check your network signal stability. You do not need fast internet to mine with M2 Pro. However, you do need stable internet.

Check if there is a particularly dense forest area near you. It might be beneficial to use a pole to give your miner a higher elevation than the nearest trees if your home is surrounded by nature.


We truly appreciate every person who mines with M2 Pro, as they are the most active participants in our ecosystem and our community. For this, we are very grateful.

We have been hard at work designing the next batch of updates for M2 Pro — both technical and token-related. Some of this is yet to be announced, but if you made it this far in my long text, I believe you deserve some sneak peek.

Miner Health Observation Deck

One of the major updates on the way is Miner Health. The measurement is designed to ensure that miners are able to see the effectiveness of their mining operation. 100% miner health will indicate that your M2 Pro is set up at its optimal state. Anything lower will indicate that changes are needed.

Miner Health will be determined by your signal strength and stability, miner location, elevation, heartbeat, and your contribution to the MXC ecosystem. We are currently working on an intricate formula that will factor in all these independent variables and show the result in a simple, beautiful interface so that you will not have to do any complex measurement yourself.

We are also working on factors that can increase your Miner Health, should you wish to increase your earnings in other ways. We are actively pursuing a method of reflecting your staking or miner balance into the Miner Health so that it can bridge the gap between your mining operations and how you interact with the MXC token.

Governance Token

Another aspect that is on the way will be an assignment of a governance token per M2 Pro miner.

Each governance token would allow you to receive some dividend from MXC Foundation’s ecosystem treasury fund. The ecosystem treasury fund will be composed of collected fees that occur from a new, revolutionary feature called Data Futures Index — or DFI.

As the name may suggest, DFI leverages some of the latest DeFi trends and innovation to create an industry-first interface in which users will be able to exponentially increase their MXC stakes at short intervals.

Transaction fees within DFI will occur to fuel the transactions and will be calculated as a minimum percentage of your profit. These fees will be collected and pooled into the MXC ecosystem treasury fund. Those who own an M2 Pro will receive a governance token embedded into the M2M wallet in their M2 Pro, which will grant them a portion of this ecosystem treasury fund on a monthly basis.

There will be an additional article coming out on what Data Futures Index (DFI) is, along with more details.


We are actively pursuing new heights of innovation to bring to our miners, and to those who are actively contributing to our ecosystem. Naturally, these innovations will be followed by a new type of reward that we believe can excite everyone involved.

We thank you for your continued support, and if you are not mining yet, make sure to check out M2 Pro Miner at:

Thank you.



Siwon Kim

Blockchain Specialist | Crypto Trader | Business Development Professional. Host at DecryptTuesday and Altcoin Sunday.