What does Meta-XP mean for MatchX, MXC and DHX

MXC Official
MXC Foundation
Published in
4 min readSep 22, 2022

You may have seen the latest addition to your M2 Pro Miner & DataDash app, Meta-XP! For those wondering what that means for your mining experience, MatchX, MXC & DataHighway have joined together to explain just what Meta-XP is all about and how you can get the most out of it.

What Meta-XP means for MatchX

Put simply, Meta-XP is the ultimate experience in multi-token mining. New miners will be getting in at one of the most exciting times, with the launch of an entirely new network, where more established miners benefit from both Proof of Stake AND Proof of Participation. As the M2 Pro is a miner which distributes a decentralized Web3 IoT Data Network, you, as a miner, are an essential piece of this global puzzle! Some aspects of this new era of mining involve changes that will help the spread of your IoT network and what effect decentralized mining will have on you. In its essence, decentralized mining means continued mining, but it also means continued participation.


You’ll have noticed the meta-xp hexagons within the DataDash App. These help to display the maximum capacity of a hexagon and allow you to understand where you need to position your M2 Pro. The rules are quite fair, allowing for 10 M2 Pros within a 2km Hexagon. You will see that Hexagons are either green, meaning they’re available, yellow, which means the hexagon area is becoming full, and red, which means it’s time to find another place for your miner.

ALL of this will assist us in growing the world’s largest decentralized network and ensure we start capitalizing on the network faster, allowing partners to use and pay for your network

Multi-Token Mining

At MatchX we’ve always positioned the M2 Pro as a multi-token miner because it ensures more involvement from miners, and ensures we create token responsibility, so that miners can continue to mine for literally decades, whilst still ensuring token sustainability and viability in regards to tokens such as MXC.

For established miners who have been mining on the MXC network for quite some time, you will see an eventual cross-over to DHX mining. Your M2 Pro Miner Health will play a key role in this. So, ensure your health is at its highest level in order to get the most out of this transition and to ensure you continue mining DHX, Bitcoin and Polkadot when it is launched.

What Meta-XP means for MXC

For new miners and miners who haven’t been mining on our chain for long, you’ll continue to mine MXC the same as always. For others who have been mining MXC for a long time, it’s time to increase your participation! Let’s look at the benefits:

  • Continuing to participate and maintaining your fuel and uptime or HEALTH will result in a few significant and positive changes for you
  • A limited amount of NFTs or as we call them F-NFTs, will be offered for FREE to our mining community who maintain their Miner health
  • Those with high health will receive a part of the DHX airdrop, which will allow for ALL of our miners to mine DataHighway with no extra cost. This is because your Fuel tank will be the new m-power for your DHX mining

What Meta-XP means for DataHighway

For DataHighway, MetaXP will mean that long-time MXC miners will transition from mining MXC to mining DHX tokens! MetaXP is a defining moment, delivering a massive amount of mining power (mPower) to the DataHighway network resulting in a more robust, dynamic and reliable network.

To ease your personal transition through MetaXP, there will be a few changes to how your DHX mPower is composed:

  • For the M2 Pro miners out there, your miner fuel will now act as mPower for DHX mining. So miner fuel will be important for mining DHX, MXC, and BTC!
  • Initial M2 Pro miners will be eligible to receive a free DHX token airdrop, to ensure a smooth transition for all miners, because you will require DHX to mine more DHX. We are determined to get the most participative miners off to the best start during this transitional phase!


Where some parts of Meta-XP will stay the same to allow the continued enjoyment of classic mining, Meta-XP brings mining further into the Web3 future with a giant leap into the metaverse, delivering increased sustainability, transparency, and control.

Thanks to YOU the miners whose continued participation benefits the entire community, creating a more robust, dynamic and reliable network by joining the next-generation multi-token mining revolution, Meta-XP!

About MXC

Based in Berlin, Germany, the MXC Foundation is a purpose-built IoT Foundation with the mission to inspire fast, efficient, decentralized data exchanges using LPWAN, Blockchain, and Token technology. The MXC Foundation is pairing “MXC” — the pioneer IoT cryptocurrency — with advanced LPWAN technology, developing the next, vital step in the fourth industrial revolution, enabling secure, vastly scalable, lightning-fast transactions. Learn more at: www.mxc.org

For further information, media requests or comment, please MXC can be contacted directly at hello@mxc.org or via the www.mxc.org website.



MXC Official
MXC Foundation

Inspiring fast, efficient, decentralized data exchanges using LPWAN-Blockchain Technology. The future of IoT is MXC. | Official Website: www.mxc.org |