Pretty inspiration on Pinterest for branding

Week 9 — Navigation buffet and more design

Just keep navigating, navigating, navigating.

2 min readJul 29, 2016


Just when we thought we had figured out the navigation flow last week, this week has been really, really focused in getting the user flow down- making the interface light and airy while still providing enough information and affordance for the user to navigate seamlessly around the app. It’s been interesting adjusting again to more frequent design critique- keeps me on my toes. There’s definitely been moments this week where I’ve asked myself what is the holy grail/ right answer/ light at the end of the tunnel UX? Does it exist? How do I know when I’m there?

What’s funny is that we realized we’ve ended up…not so far from where we originally started in terms of navigation structure. I suppose that’s the point, you explore all options to make sure you haven’t missed anything critical.

Navigation flow sampling

User Feedback and visuals

Doing another round of user interviews this week also made us realize there’s a still few features we need to straighten out we’ve overlooked. When we stare at our own work too long, it’s hard to remember the basic information it needs to get across. I’ve also worked on branding and visuals as our developer intern starts coding the data visualization components. Overall, we want to communicate the feeling of trust, familiarity, and straight-forwardness. I spent a good afternoon making a pinterest board of gorgeous colors and textures. Oh the joys of browsing pretty, shiny things on pinterest :)

& other fun things

On a lighter note, we had a summer office party at the North Brooklyn Farms this week! Beautiful pastel (can’t help thinking about gradients now) colored sunset, fairy lit gardens, and good beer and company!

sunset at North Brooklyn Farms

