Sun about to set at the MxM summer party on Tuesday evening.

Week 9: Sprint 2 & Refining Designs

Our Challenges

Elise Colbert
Made by Many NYC Internship
3 min readJul 29, 2016


One of our biggest challenges this week has been cutting down our plans for the app until only the most essential parts are left. That is, how can we edit down to the simplest form? As we only have three weeks left of our internship, we’ve had to make some sacrifices to ensure that we have a more realistic goal. Since last week decided to focus primarily on how the user will journal and view data, those are the areas that we looked to simplify.

During the planning meeting for sprint two, we discussed the most basic journal and analysis implementations that would still make up a valuable product for our users. This process involved a lot of communication from both the design and development ends as well as a great deal of compromise to come up with a solution that everyone was comfortable with.

Sherry projecting her designs for a design critique

Now that we have our core features set, we have shifted to focus from designing those elements to designing the layouts and experiences of each screen on the app. For example, Sherry and I spent a large amount of time discussing navigation in the past few days. Within the past four days we have easily had over 30 variations of navigation. We played around with different placements, positions, icons, colors, menu items, tabs, and really everything you could imagine. We did exercises of brainstorms and interactive planning to come up with even more sketches and ideas. After a team meeting where we looked over all of our possibilities, we have finally reached a consensus about how to proceed.

Some planning for navigation

Summer Party

On Tuesday night MxM had its summer party. It was held at North Brooklyn Farms in Williamsburg — an awesome location right next to the Williamsburg Bridge overlooking the East River (see photos below). It was a fun night of food, drinks and friends to celebrate a great year.

Sunset over the Williamsburg Bridge



Elise Colbert
Made by Many NYC Internship

Product Management Intern @MadeByMany || Computer Science 2017 @Cornell