Monday 12th June 2023, 7:10 pm

Who is Andrew Beattie?
My 2023 Year of Action
4 min readJun 12, 2023
Woody and Nina. They were great company when I was ill last week

I asked ChatGPT to write the intro to today’s diary/journal entry.

I asked: ‘Please write the introduction to a story about recovering from covid, going back to work, during warm weather.’

It replied:

In the midst of a world forever changed by a global pandemic, where isolation became the norm and masks became our shields, there came a glimmer of hope. As the warm embrace of summer arrived, bringing with it a renewed sense of vitality, Sarah found herself at the precipice of a new chapter in her life.

For months, she had battled the relentless grip of COVID-19, enduring the harrowing journey through illness, fear, and uncertainty. But now, as she stepped outside and felt the gentle caress of the sun on her face, a surge of determination coursed through her veins. She was ready to reclaim her life, to reconnect with the world that had been put on pause for far too long.

Sarah’s workplace, once a bustling hub of productivity, had transformed into an echo chamber of silence during the pandemic. The office chairs sat empty, the hallways devoid of the usual chatter, and the vibrant energy that once fueled their collective efforts had faded into a distant memory. But with the reopening of businesses and the gradual return of employees, hope began to sprout once more.

As Sarah approached the office building, the familiar scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the aroma of blooming flowers. The sound of birdsong filled the air, creating a symphony of nature’s melodies. It was as if the world itself was celebrating alongside her, rejoicing in the resilience of humanity.

Inside, the office hummed with a mixture of nervous anticipation and long-awaited excitement. Colleagues she had only seen through pixelated screens during countless virtual meetings now stood before her, their faces unmasked and their smiles radiant. The warmth in their eyes mirrored her own, conveying a shared understanding of the battles fought and the victories won.

Gathering her courage, Sarah took her first steps toward her desk, a sense of purpose propelling her forward. The room buzzed with conversations, laughter, and the clatter of keyboards, marking the revival of the once-dormant workplace. As she settled into her chair, the sunlight streaming through the window enveloped her in a gentle embrace, symbolizing the dawn of a new beginning.

With every passing day, Sarah witnessed the world around her gradually regain its vitality. The city streets thrived with people enjoying the outdoors, relishing in the simple pleasures they had taken for granted. Masks became less prominent, replaced by the radiant smiles of individuals who had triumphed over adversity. And amidst this newfound normalcy, Sarah reveled in her own personal transformation — a survivor, an inspiration, and an embodiment of resilience.

As the summer sun illuminated her path, Sarah embarked on a journey of healing and rediscovery, guided by the warmth of hope and the unwavering determination to build a brighter future. Together with her community, she dared to dream again, knowing that from the depths of despair, the human spirit had emerged stronger and more determined than ever before.

I can’t say that was my experience today, tbh, although it was nice to be back at my desk after a week or so. It was warm and I felt good to be out and in the world, even if I spent the entire walk to the office this morning mopping sweat from my head and feeling incredibly thirsty. I’ve made a note to pack some water for the walk tomorrow.

I’ve been watching a show about AI these past few days called Next. The AI is doing its best to spread all over the internet and giving John Slattery a very difficult life. It killed someone using a robot dog a couple of episodes back. Crazy.

I don’t think Chat GPT is capable of murder, though. I mean, it might be lulling me into a false sense of security by writing me beautiful stories and chatting with me about mycorrhizal networks and healthy economies and The Randstad.

‘As an AI language model, I don’t have physical form or possessions, so I don’t own a robot dog or any other physical objects. I exist solely as a software program designed to provide information and engage in conversation. However, I can certainly discuss robot dogs and provide information about them if you’re interested!’

I don’t have any reason to think that Chat GPT is lying to me when it tells me that, but I’ll keep my eye out for any suspicious dogs over the next few days anyway.

I think I’ll come back to write again this week. I should probably write more about the Year of Action campaign. The reason I started writing these entries to begin with. A good idea.

This is part of a series that I’m writing over the next year, documenting the Year of Action campaign, and some of the things I’m doing to take action in 2023. #2023yearofaction



Who is Andrew Beattie?
My 2023 Year of Action

Dad. Wordscape, Kindred LCR, Ethos Magazine, The City Tribune, Homebaked CLT, School for Social Entrepreneurs.